Thursday, April 1, 2021

IRS to automatically issue refunds on tax-free unemployment benefits - Journal of Accountancy

In good news for many taxpayers, the IRS said that, beginning in May and continuing through the summer, it will automatically issue refunds to eligible people who already filed a tax return reporting unemployment compensation before the recent changes made by the American Rescue Plan Act, P.L. 117-2 ( IR-2021-71 ). Under this process, eligible taxpayers will not have to file amended returns to receive a refund.

The American Rescue Plan Act, enacted on March 11, allows taxpayers with modified adjusted gross income of less than $150,000 on their tax return to exclude unemployment compensation up to $20,400 if married filing jointly and $10,200 for all others, but only for 2020 unemployment benefits.

Publisher: Journal of Accountancy
Date: 2021-04-01T11:34:00.000-04:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been happening:

How do taxes work for remote workers? It's complicated. - Vox

It can be a very complicated situation, and the internet abounds with people trying to figure out what's going on. Reddit, specifically, is full of questions about where remote workers should file their taxes this year: If you quarantined with family for a couple months in a different state than where you work but didn't update your tax withholdings, do you have to file two state tax returns?

The answers, unsatisfyingly, depend on a number of factors, including which states and how long you were there, according to tax experts we spoke with. Ahead of tax season, here's what to look out for when filing your taxes on remote work.

Publisher: Vox
Date: 2021-04-01T08:30:00-04:00
Author: Rani Molla
Twitter: @voxdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

IMF says rich countries could use taxes to reduce inequalities | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund on Thursday said advanced economies could use more progressive income taxes, inheritance and property taxes, and taxes on "excess" corporate profits to help reduce inequalities exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The IMF's Fiscal Monitor said the pandemic had exacerbated pre-existing inequalities in access to health care, education and digital infrastructure, which could cause income gaps to persist generation after generation.

Publisher: U.S.
Date: 2021-04-01T17:10:24Z
Author: Andrea Shalal
Twitter: @Reuters
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Cryptocurrency Taxes: A Guide To Tax Rules For Bitcoin, Ethereum And More | Bankrate

We value your trust. Our mission is to provide readers with accurate and unbiased information, and we have editorial standards in place to ensure that happens. Our editors and reporters thoroughly fact-check editorial content to ensure the information you're reading is accurate. We maintain a firewall between our advertisers and our editorial team. Our editorial team does not receive direct compensation from our advertisers.

Bankrate's editorial team writes on behalf of YOU – the reader. Our goal is to give you the best advice to help you make smart personal finance decisions. We follow strict guidelines to ensure that our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers. Our editorial team receives no direct compensation from advertisers, and our content is thoroughly fact-checked to ensure accuracy.

Publisher: Bankrate
Author: James Royal
Twitter: @bankrate
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic exactly:

Lawmakers push for $600M in cuts to unemployment taxes in Washington state | The Seattle Times

Employers in some pandemic-ravaged Washington state industries could see up to $600 million in new tax relief under legislative measures that also aim to improve jobless claims processing and prevent unemployment fraud.

But the measures have come under fire by business groups, who say the tax cuts are too small, and by labor advocates, who say the state has already cut employers’ taxes by more than a billion dollars this year.

Publisher: The Seattle Times
Date: 2021-04-01 19:35:16
Twitter: @seattletimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

No new gas taxes: White House rejects corporate ask on infrastructure funding | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Thursday rejected the idea of raising gas taxes as a way to pay for President Joe Biden's $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan, setting the stage for a fight with business groups that are calling for U.S. drivers to foot the bill instead of corporate tax hikes.

The tax proposal, announced Wednesday, was opposed by Republicans in Congress, trade groups including the National Association of Manufacturers, and business lobbies such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Business Roundtable.

Publisher: U.S.
Date: 2021-04-01T23:10:09Z
Author: Nandita Bose
Twitter: @Reuters
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

State Recreational Marijuana Taxes, 2021 | Tax Foundation

The legalization and taxation of recreational marijuana remains one of the hottest trends in state taxation. Currently, 16 states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, and Washington) and the District of Columbia have passed bills or approved ballot measures that allow for the sale of recreational marijuana, and more states are poised to pass legislation this session.

The Virginia legislature now has passed a bill that would legalize sales starting in 2024; legislators are currently working with Gov. Ralph Northam (D) to amend and finalize legislation. New Mexico lawmakers are very likely to pass legislation during an ongoing special session.

Publisher: Tax Foundation
Date: 2021-03-31T14:11:21-04:00
Twitter: @taxfoundation
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

An Accidental Disclosure Exposes a $1 Billion Tax Fight With Bristol Myers - The New York Times

Years later, the Internal Revenue Service got wind of the arrangement, which it condemned as an "abusive" tax shelter. The move by Bristol Myers, the I.R.S. concluded, would cheat the United States out of about $1.4 billion in taxes.

That is a lot of money, even for a large company like Bristol Myers. But the dispute remained secret. The company, which denies wrongdoing, didn't tell its investors that the U.S. government was claiming more than $1 billion in unpaid taxes. The I.R.S. didn't make any public filings about it.

Date: 2021-04-01T09:00:24.000Z
Twitter: @nytimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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