Monday, April 19, 2021

School day for Atlanta’s elementary students to be 30 minutes longer

School day for Atlanta's elementary students to be 30 minutes longer

An extra 30 minutes will be added onto the school day beginning Aug. 5, the first day of the 2021-2022 academic year.

Atlanta Public Schools officials said the extended day will allow schools to pack in more instruction . They say it's needed to help students struggling with studies during the pandemic.

"All schools are required to implement an intervention, acceleration or enrichment block during the school day, and in order to accommodate this requirement at the elementary level, 30 minutes will be added to the elementary school day," Chief of Schools Anita Williams told board members at a recent meeting.

Publisher: ajc
Twitter: @ajc
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Local carpenters union highlights tax fraud in construction industry | WSYR

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — Members of the local carpenters union are braving the elements to bring awareness to tax fraud in their line of work. “In the construction industry it’s become a business model amongst cheating contractors,” said Mitchell Latimer, NASRCC – NY Carpenters Union Council Representative.

Latimer said this fraud costs Americans billions each year. He shared some of the ways workers are being cheated. “They intentionally pay people under the table,” He added, They don’t pay them for overtime. they’ll have them work extra hours with no overtime pay, cash to avoid paying taxes. it happens quite often and it saves them a lot of money on workers compensation.”

Publisher: WSYR
Date: 2021-04-15T23:04:35 00:00
Author: Iris St Meran
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Congress versus contractors - Yellowhammer News | Yellowhammer News

A 2019 California law reclassified drivers for ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft as employees instead of contractors. California voters overturned this law via referendum in November 2020. Congress is now considering imposing similar definitions on the entire country.

At issue is the classification of workers as either employees or as independent contractors. Economists focus on decision rights, or who gets to make decisions, when analyzing how we organize economic activity. While employment is generally longer-term (an employee knows to continue showing up), decision-making is also involved. Bosses make decisions about the use of an employee's skills and time; contractors do a specified task for a price.

Publisher: Yellowhammer News
Date: 2021-04-18T12:50:04 00:00
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Judge Won't Disqualify Strip Club's Attorney Over Email - Law360

In the legal profession, information is the key to success. You have to know what's happening with clients, competitors, practice areas, and industries. Law360 provides the intelligence you need to remain an expert and beat the competition.

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H&H Bagels Hit With Delivery Worker Tip-Credit Suit - Law360

In the legal profession, information is the key to success. You have to know what's happening with clients, competitors, practice areas, and industries. Law360 provides the intelligence you need to remain an expert and beat the competition.

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How We Turned Bargaining Around at Law360 | Labor Notes

After management stalled negotiations for two years, workers at legal news site Law360 turned up the heat to win a first contract, using info pickets, Scabby the Rat, delegations to the company CEO, packed bargaining sessions, 15-minute workplace meetings that escalated to a full-fledged walkout, and an overwhelmingly vote to authorize a strike. Photo: NewsGuild of New York

[Yesterday NewsGuild members at Mashable, PC Mag, Ask Men, and Geek walked off the job for 24 hours , part of their ongoing fight for a first contract two years after the publications' parent company, ZiffDavis, agreed to recognize their union. While the media industry has seen a wave of new unions formed recently, most of these units remain locked in protracted fights for a first contract— a problem faced by new unions in many sectors.

Publisher: Labor Notes
Date: 2021-04-16T15:33:52-04:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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