Friday, April 2, 2021

Female economics professors talk gender dynamics in the field

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‘I don't think I predicted just how bad the isolation would be’: First-year students face mental health challenges amid pandemic

Distinguished, female figures of the University's Economics department Anna Aizer, Rachel Friedberg, Bryce Steinberg and Amy Handlan discuss common experiences and challenges to diversity in their field.

Publisher: Brown Daily Herald
Date: 2021-04-01T23:35:49-04:00
Author: Claire Liu
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

What did we miss?

Ten economic facts on how mothers spend their time
Publisher: Brookings
Date: 2021-03-31T03:59:32 00:00
Author: Lauren Bauer Eliana Buckner Sara Estep Emily Moss and Morgan Welch
Twitter: @BrookingsInst
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Machine learning: Economics and computer science converge | YaleNews

Today's digital economy is blurring the boundaries between computer science and economics — in Silicon Valley, on Wall Street, and increasingly on university campuses.

Yale undergraduates interested in both fields can pursue the Computer Science and Economics (CSEC) interdepartmental degree program, which launched in fall 2019, with coursework covering topics such as machine learning and computational finance.

Publisher: YaleNews
Date: 2021-03-31T15:52:06-04:00
Twitter: @yale
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Friday's jobs report could be 'blistering hot,' economists say

Economists expect the government's monthly employment report to show a big jump in new jobs added in March when it is released Friday morning. The average among economists polled by Dow Jones is for a gain of 675,000 jobs and a decrease in the unemployment rate from 6.2 percent in February to 6 percent.

"Expect a blistering hot report," said Dan North, senior economist at Euler Hermes North America. "Demand for labor is sky high. Airlines, bars and restaurants are all opening back up. The weather has turned warm," and economic impact checks will "provide powerful stimulus" to the economy, he said.

Publisher: NBC News
Twitter: @NBCNews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Did you hear about this:

Harvard Economics Professor Talks Broken American Health System | News | The Harvard Crimson

William C. Hsiao, an Economics professor emeritus at the Harvard School of Public Health, spoke about the problems with America's health system and the potential benefits of a single-payer system during a HSPH webinar on Thursday.

After being featured in a popular Chinese-language health systems series by the School of Public Health intended to provide public health expertise to Chinese academics and researchers, Hsiao decided to discuss the U.S. health system again in English.

Twitter: @thecrimson
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

As Coronavirus and Economic Woes Ravage Brazil, Bolsonaro Improvises and Confounds - The New York

RIO DE JANEIRO — He has sneered at the Covid-19 pandemic, even as it led Brazil's health care system to collapse . He has ridiculed opposition lawmakers, who are gunning for his impeachment.

And this week he ordered a sweeping cabinet shake-up and removed the heads of the armed forces — a strong base of support — with no public explanation.

Brazilian lawmakers on Wednesday presented a new initiative to impeach Mr. Bolsonaro, calling his dismissal of the military commanders the day before a dangerous and destabilizing action.

Date: 2021-03-31T23:26:15.000Z
Twitter: @nytimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

China's Economic Recovery Continued in March | Barron's

Multiple gauges of China's economy painted a mixed picture this week, showing a surge last month in the services sector and tepid expansion in manufacturing.

China's March official manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI)— released Wednesday by the National Bureau of Statistic (NBS)—rose to 51.9, up 1.3 percentage points compared with February's 50.6. That was the highest recording for the year, and welcome news after February's dip.

While the official manufacturing PMI focuses heavily on large companies and state-owned enterprises, the Caixin index is separate from the government and includes smaller private firms as well.

Date: 2021-04-01T15:20:00.000Z
Author: Tanner Brown
Twitter: @BarronsOnline
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Geography, economics behind rise in case numbers in some towns

Cases of COVID-19 are increasing across New Hampshire, not just in larger cities, but also in smaller communities.

Publisher: WMUR
Date: 2021-04-01T22:24:00Z
Author: Jennifer Crompton
Twitter: @WMUR9
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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