Thursday, April 15, 2021

5 Ways to Revamp Your Money Habits for a Better 2021 – Pasadena Weekendr

5 Ways to Revamp Your Money Habits for a Better 2021 – Pasadena Weekendr

While the past year has been rough in so many ways, one positive result is that people are focusing more on saving money — creating a silver lining to the cloud that was 2020. A new survey from Coinstar found nearly 3 out of 4 people (74%) say they are likely to set aside an emergency fund in the future due to COVID-19.

The survey also found people reexamining what they spend money on, ways to plan for the future and how to be more conscious of their overall financial picture as a result of the events of the last year. Almost half (46%) of those surveyed said they plan to "tighten their belt" by actively spending less.

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Demystify Your Finances in One Month With the Master Your Money Bootcamp

Ask just about any personal finance expert how to start taking control of your money and they'll give you the same advice: Figure out where your money goes.

Master Your Money Bootcamps are month-long challenges broken into simple one-week exercises to help you take control of your money.

Publisher: Business Insider
Date: 2021-04-15
Author: Libby Kane CFEI
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Help with money, mental health issues during the pandemic - Los Angeles Times

Currently, landlords are mostly prohibited from evicting non-paying tenants, but eviction moratoriums will someday end. Your friend could find herself not just turned out of her home but unable to rent decent housing, since many landlords won't consider anyone who's been evicted. Avoiding that fate needs to be a top priority for her.

Dear Liz: I'm 67 and I'm going to retire later this year. My wife is already retired, and our kids are grown and on their own. I have a 401(k) that I've contributed to for most of my working years, and a small traditional IRA. I also have a grandfathered pension plan through my employer. I'm leaning toward taking the pension benefits as a lump sum and rolling it directly to either my 401(k), which my company allows, or my IRA.

Publisher: Los Angeles Times
Date: 2021-04-15T20:40:47.221
Author: https www latimes com people liz weston
Twitter: @latimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

10 Bad Money Habits You Learned From Your Parents and Need To Break Now

So if these Americans aren't forming their money habits based on help from a financial advisor, who is their financial role model? According to the survey, 37% of respondents said it was their parent.

Does that mean that the financial habits your parents have are bad? Maybe so and maybe no. It depends on what those financial habits are.

Some bad money habits are glaringly obvious. You know, like paying only the minimum on a maxed-out credit card each month or always spending extra money on wasteful items. But some aren't so obvious — especially if you're following the example set by a parent who serves as your financial role model.

Twitter: @Yahoo
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Best Money Transfer and Payment Apps of April 2021

Every day, millions of people around the globe have to figure out how to pay for the things they need.

Whether you're an independent contractor filing an invoice, friends splitting the check or a family looking to divide up household expenses, electronic payments have become the norm for paying for almost anything in a fast, secure way simply by picking up your smart phone.

"I'll Venmo you," has nearly replaced the phrase, "Do you take a check?" But of course, not every business likes emojis alongside their invoices, and that's where apps like PayPal — which has a slightly more sophisticated invoicing set-up — come in.

Publisher: CNBC
Date: 2021-04-14T17:08:10 0000
Author: https www facebook com CNBC
Twitter: @CNBC
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Republicans are throwing away our money and wasting our time  - Wisconsin Examiner

What is it with Wisconsin Republicans? As our state struggles with the unprecedented crises affecting both our economy and public health, our GOP legislative leaders are busy turning down billions of dollars in aid from the federal government and posturing by passing bills they know will be vetoed in a fruitless attempt to seize control over federal COVID relief from Gov. Tony Evers.

Set aside for a moment the tiresome power-grab politics the Republicans have doggedly pursued since the day Evers and other Democrats won every statewide office in 2018. Let's take a look at some of the most recent financial losses our do-nothing Legislature has managed to inflict on our state:

Publisher: Wisconsin Examiner
Date: 2021-04-14T11:40:38 00:00
Twitter: @WIExaminer
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

YOUR MONEY: Save money while planning a vacation

If you're looking to plan a late spring or summer trip, found some good deals to save you and your family some money.

Shopping Expert Sara Skirboll shares four ideas for getting out of the house to take a vacation or staycation.

First, she recommends checking in somewhere local. After a year of being mostly confined to your home, how good does a plush hotel bed sound?

Date: 2021-04-14T15:53:31.212Z
Author: Liz Koh
Twitter: @WAFB
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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