Thursday, December 31, 2020

New York farm workers await decision on overtime pay | NY State |

ALBANY — The way farm workers are paid in New York state could drastically change, pending the decision of a panel charged with making such recommendations. But it seems the panel will likely wait until the last minute.

The three-member Farm Wage Board was appointed earlier this year to parse out one of the more controversial points of the New York Fair Labor Practices Act, which instituted a broad array of new standards for farms. The 2019 law included a 60-hour threshold after which workers must receive overtime pay — time and a half — as well as a mandatory day of rest and collective bargaining rights.

Publisher: HudsonValley360
Author: VAUGHN GOLDEN For Columbia Greene Media
Twitter: @rsnewsroom
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Were you following this:

Working hours to be limited to 8 hours a day; overtime pay to be twice that of regular salary:

As per the new wage rules, any employee working between 15 minutes to 30 minutes time post the regular work hour will be considered as doing a half-hour overtime.

New Delhi: Amidst news reports that the new wage code proposes 12 hours of daily work, government officials have told a business news daily that it is being conetmplated that working hours would instead be limited to 8 hours and any further hour spent post that will be considered as overtime for which the pay will be twice that of regular salary.

Publisher: Zee News
Date: 2020-12-30T18:57:57 05:30
Twitter: @zeenews
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Holyoke City Council reviews fire, police overtime -

HOLYOKE — The City Council's Finance Committee this week reviewed overtime pay for the Holyoke Police and Fire Departments, following a call by two councilors for a deeper look at whether the city is balancing "cost-effective staffing levels" with public safety.

Since October, the Fire Department has spent $157,305 in overtime, with Police Department spending $266,692 in the same period.

* * *

Murphy said the goal is to maintain proper staffing levels without paying overtime for off-duty personnel. "Potentially, we could have better cost-effective protection in both departments," he said.

Publisher: masslive
Date: 2020-12-30T22:31:29.040Z
Author: dennishohenberger
Twitter: @masslivenews
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Tipton firefighters receive back pay for overtime |

TIPTON, Ind. — The City of Tipton paid more than $90,000 to 15 firefighters who were not properly paid for working overtime.

The U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division (WHD) investigated the city, finding that it violated overtime requirements in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The WHD said the city failed to pay 15 firefighters who worked more than 106 hours in a two-week pay period. Tipton paid out a total of $91,924 in back wages.

Date: 12/31/2020 7:33:12 PM
Twitter: @WTHRcom
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Were you following this:

Bill Announcement | The White House

S. 212, the “Indian Community Economic Enhancement Act of 2020,” which amends three existing statutes promoting Native American business, economic development, and trade development;

S. 900, which designates the community-based outpatient clinic of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Bozeman, Montana, as the Travis W. Atkins Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic;

S. 2472, the “Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility Act,” which redesignates the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at Plum Brook Station, Ohio, as the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at the Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility;

Publisher: The White House
Twitter: @whitehouse
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Employers need not pay for certain travel time between office, telework locations, DOL says | HR

The FLSA specifies that time periods in which covered employees are relieved from duty and which are long enough to enable the employee to use the time "effectively for [the employee's] own purposes" do not count as hours worked under the law.

Though travel time "must be counted as hours worked" under the FLSA if the time is part of an employee's principal activity, the employee described in the Dec. 31 letter's scenarios "is traveling of her own volition for her own purposes during her off-duty time," DOL said.

Publisher: HR Dive
Date: 2020-12-31
Author: Ryan Golden
Twitter: @hrdive
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Want a job with Joe? The Plum Book contains thousands! | Federal News Network
Publisher: Federal News Network
Date: 2020-12-31T09:56-05:00
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Tax code in 2021: Take note of these changes | Urology Times

the tax code for the upcoming year. The IRS has not made any significant changes so far, but the agency did make some notable adjustments. Also keep in mind that with a new president-elect and a potential change in the makeup of Congress, the current tax code could be altered again. However, until that time, it is important to stay familiar with the current rules.

* * *

The standard deduction increased from $24,800 to $25,100 for married couples who file jointly and increased by $150 to $12,550 for single filers and those married but filing separately. Head of households also get a $150 increase to $18,800 in their standard deduction.

Publisher: Urology Times
Twitter: @Urology Times
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Were you following this:

United States: You can't always get what you want, especially with the BEAT

The 2020 Final Regulations retain the approach of the 2019 Proposed Regulations with a few key changes and they modify certain portions of the 2019 Final Regulations.

Publisher: Global Compliance News
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IRS provides welcome flexibility and clarification in final small business tax accounting

On Wednesday, December 23, Treasury and the IRS released final regulations 1  under sections 263A, 448, 460, and 471 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) to implement statutory changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the TCJA). 2  The TCJA expanded the base of taxpayers qualifying for favorable small business accounting method reform and provided a simplified accounting method change filing requirement for years beginning after December 31, 2017.

Publisher: JD Supra
Twitter: @jdsupra
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Hitching a Ride on the Omnibus: COVID Relief and Appropriations Act Includes Major Climate Change

On December 27, 2020, President Trump signed H.R. 133, the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021,” an agglomeration of dozens of individual pieces of legislation which together total nearly 6,000 pages.

The Act places the spotlight on confronting climate change through a variety of measures including energy-related tax incentives, regulation of facilities and energy production, methods to reduce GHG emissions, and research and development initiatives.

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The “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021” is one of the largest pieces of legislation in U.S. history to date.  As described above, numerous provisions in the Act provide opportunities for the United States to move forward with potentially impactful energy and sustainability measures.

Publisher: JD Supra
Twitter: @jdsupra
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

Amended Russian tax system offers new opportunities for businesses - Lexology

Extension of the scope of tax exemption applicable to free-of-charge provision of property between related companies (free financing)

According to the new wording of art. 251 of the Russian Tax Code, a tax exemption will now be available if the shareholding interest is equal to 50% instead of the previous “more than 50%” threshold.

This exemption will now apply both in cases of direct and indirect shareholdings between the provider and recipient of the property provided free-of-charge. This exemption materially extends the scope of the entities providing free financing.

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IRS Tax Law Guidance: Week of December 21 – December 26, 2020

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of December 21 – December 26, 2020.

December 21 , 2020: The IRS released TD 9941 containing final regulations regarding the timing of income inclusion under an accrual method of accounting, including the treatment of advance payments for goods, services and certain other items.

Publisher: The National Law Review
Date: 5493B547C0AB527FF4CF8C4D0127302A
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FFCRA Leave Tax Credits Extended, but Protected Leave Rights Set to Expire in 2020 | Manatt,

On Sunday, December 27, 2020, President Trump signed the latest round of COVID-19 legislation, the 5,500-page Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (the Act). The Act, which was passed by Congress on December 21, updates the tax credit provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), extending their availability to employers until March 31, 2021. Employers may continue to apply for tax credits for employee leaves taken under the FFCRA through that date.

Why it matters: Importantly, because the Act does not extend the obligation to provide any leave, then unless revised or supplemented, employer obligations to provide leave under the FFCRA will sunset on December 31, 2020. Employees who exhausted leave in 2020 will not be entitled to new FFCRA leave in 2021, nor will employers be able to claim a second credit toward an employee who has exhausted his or her available FFCRA leave.

Publisher: JD Supra
Twitter: @jdsupra
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As FFCRA Ends, Employer Obligations and Considerations Continue

As of Jan. 1, 2021, employers no longer have any legal duty under either the EPSLA or the EFMLEA to provide FFCRA leave to employees. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (H.R. 133) has, however, extended the right of covered employers to voluntarily provide such leave through March 31, 2021, and continue to take tax credits for doing so.

The extension of the tax credit beyond the sunsetting of the FFCRA leave entitlements themselves underscores an issue to be considered by every employer once covered by the FFCRA, regardless of whether they decide to voluntarily continue to extend FFCRA leave benefits to eligible employees for the first quarter of 2021. That issue is whether adequate records have been kept justifying any tax credits that have been taken.

Publisher: The National Law Review
Date: 5493B547C0AB527FF4CF8C4D0127302A
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REICH: Trickle-Down Economics Doesn't Work But Build-Up Does | National Columns |

How should the huge financial costs of the pandemic be paid for, as well as the other deferred needs of society after this annus horribilis?

Politicians rarely want to raise taxes on the rich. President-elect Joe Biden promised to do so, but a closely divided Congress is already balking.

That's because they've bought into one of the most dangerous of all economic ideas: that economic growth requires the rich to become even richer. Rubbish.

Publisher: Greeneville Publishing Company
Author: Robert Reich
Twitter: @greenesun
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

Stimulus Money Should Have Gone to the Jobless, Economists Say - The New York Times

Galen Gilbert knows just what he will do with the check he gets from Washington as part of the pandemic relief package , whatever the amount: put it in the bank.

President Trump's demand to increase the already-approved $600 individual payment to $2,000, with backing from congressional Democrats, has dominated events in Washington this week and redefined the debate for more stimulus during the pandemic. Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, said on Wednesday he would not allow a vote on a standalone bill increasing the checks to $2,000, dooming the effort, at least for now.

Date: 2020-12-30T20:48:44.000Z
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Free exchange - Is China right to tame Ant? | Finance & economics | The Economist

A similar pattern exists elsewhere. Researchers at the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) looked at 79 countries during 2013-19. Where banking sectors were less competitive and banks had less incentive to pursue smaller clients, fintech lenders grew larger. They also seem less likely to discriminate by race.

None of this is to deny that fintech could give rise to new problems. In making credit easily available, consumers can end up with too much debt. Firms may misuse the data they hoover up. Regulators must be vigilant against fraud, which plagued China's peer-to-peer lending industry a few years ago. And for well-run firms, monopoly is a serious risk. Once big enough, Ant could use its market power to block competitors and extract more profits.

Publisher: The Economist
Twitter: @TheEconomist
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The virus that shut down the world: Economic meltdown | | UN News

Even before the virus had officially been declared a pandemic, it was clear that the shutdowns, travel bans and other restrictions on movement would be serious.

In May, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) forecast that the global economy would shrink by almost 3.2 per cent in 2020, equivalent to some

Confronted by this flood of negative data, the idea of universal basic income (where governments give a minimum sum of money to all citizens, regardless of work status or income) began to gain traction within the UN.

Publisher: UN News
Date: 2020-12-30T05:00:10-05:00
Twitter: @UN_News_Centre
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In case you are keeping track:

Doughnut economics may have the answer to the dilemma between environment and economic growth -

Doughnut economics, a concept principally developed by UK economist Kate Raworth, provides an intuitive way of thinking about it.

The image to keep in mind is that of a doughnut, on the inside of which is economic and social freefall.

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The sweet spot, the "safe and just space for humanity" is, of course, in the doughnut itself. Mmm… doughnuts.

Such countries have homeless and hungry people, for sure. But the also have enough resources, homes and food to provide for them. That they don't is a question of distribution rather than scarcity.

Date: 2020-12-30T19:30:00 00:00
Twitter: @abcnews
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Xi hails China's economic growth despite pandemic setback

BEIJING (AP) — China has made major progress in developing its economy and eradicating rural poverty over the past year despite the coronavirus pandemic, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a New Year address Thursday.

The International Monetary Fund forecast in October that China, the world's second-largest economy, would grow 1.9% in 2020, a sharp slowdown from its 6.1% gain in 2019, and then expand 8.2% in 2021.

That compares with an IMF forecast for a global economic contraction of 4.4% for 2020, the worst plunge since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Publisher: AP NEWS
Date: 2020-12-31T12:32:37Z
Twitter: @ap
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Economist Carol Propper made a Dame in New Year's Honours | Imperial News | Imperial College

Dame Carol has supported the economics community, and been a key voice on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the NHS, since the start of the crisis. Her recent papers have addressed a number of issues including the economic costs of lockdown, spending needs relating to healthcare and the coronavirus and the future of the NHS after the pandemic.

Reacting to the news of being made a Dame she said: “I am thrilled to have been awarded a DBE for my contribution to Economics and Public Health. Much of my research career has been focused on understanding how people and organisations respond to incentives in the field of healthcare.

Publisher: Imperial News
Date: 2020-12-31T00:30:00 00:00
Twitter: @ImperialSpark
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Five economic predictions for 2021 - The Washington Post

New Year's is the traditional time not just for taking stock of the year gone by, but also for anticipating the challenges and opportunities of the year ahead. Here's one economic handicappers tip sheet:

By summer, however, as shutdowns will have ended, more than 100 million Americans will have been vaccinated, and another government rescue package will have been approved (see below). At that point, look for the economy to come roaring back as workers return to the office and consumers begin to satisfy a year's worth of pent-up demand for fashion, entertainment, restaurant meals and travel.

Publisher: Washington Post
Date: 2020-12-31T12:00:54.168Z
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
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How To Lower Your 2020 Taxes With Tax-Loss Harvesting

Tax loss harvesting can help keep your investment returns healthy. What you need to do before ... [+] year-end.

As year's end approaches, now is the time to do some last-minute tax-loss harvesting to lower your taxes for 2020. The goal of tax-loss harvesting is to reduce both your taxes on investments as well as your overall taxes. Taking this proactive tax-planning move, you may be able to lower your taxable income by selling off investments that are worth less than what you paid for them.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2020-12-30
Author: David Rae
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

St. Cloud food, beverage taxes down 19%, hotel taxes down 50%

ST. CLOUD — As COVID-19 spread through the St. Cloud community this year, fewer people attended schools, booked hotel rooms or visited local restaurants.

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The food and beverage tax — which applies to takeout, prepared deli items, and fare from bars and restaurants — is down 19% from last year, from about $1.34 million in October 2019 to $1.09 million this year.

St. Cloud Finance Director Ruth Wipper anticipates the tax could be down close to nearly 23% when November and December taxes are included.

Publisher: St. Cloud Times
Author: Jenny Berg
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South Lebanon holds the line on taxes for 2021 budget | Regional |

Residents of South Lebanon Township will not see an increase in their property taxes in the new year.

At their Dec. 22 meeting, South Lebanon supervisors approved their 2021 budget, and the spending plan does not include a tax increase. The $4.9 million budget represents the second straight year without an increase in real estate tax.

"We always make that, not a necessity, but a priority," said board Chairman Steve Krause, of holding the line on taxes. "We have obligations we have to meet, and they don't ever go away. Fortunately, we have some excellent managers and assistant managers who are really good at pencil sharpening. We always try to keep taxes low, but there have been times when we have had to raise them."

Publisher: LancasterOnline
Date: 2B99F54CA617112F75CE495FAAFCA280
Author: JEFF FALK For LNP LancasterOnline
Twitter: @lancasteronline
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Is Your Stimulus Check Taxable? | Kiplinger

I've heard the question many times: Will I have to pay tax on my stimulus check? The tax code says you have to pay taxes on "all income from whatever source derived," unless it's specifically exempted or excluded. That's a pretty broad definition that seemingly would include money from the government. And, strictly speaking, there's no specific exemption or exclusion for stimulus check money. So, stimulus checks are taxable – right?

Publisher: Kiplinger
Author: Rocky Mengle
Twitter: @Kiplinger
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

Trump taxes: House Democrats cannot immediately access President Trump?s tax and financial

President Trump ran out the clock Wednesday in his long-
running legal battle to shield his tax and financial records from Congress when a federal appeals court declined to rule on the matter and sent the case back to a lower court.

The brief order from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit does not mean that the effort by House Democrats to access Trump's business records is over. But the congressional term will expire, and Trump will leave office in January without having his financial data turned over to lawmakers.

Publisher: Washington Post
Date: 2020-12-30T17:28:37Z
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Soldiers, civilians to repay tax deferments through December 2021 | Article | The

Your version of Internet Explorer is out of date. It has known security flaws and can cause issues displaying content on this page, and other websites.

Twitter: @USArmy
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Global Digital-Tax Detente Ends, as U.S. and France Exchange Blows - WSJ

But now France has resumed collecting what is known as its digital-services tax, a French official said. Other countries, including Italy and the U.K., whose similar taxes went into effect this year, are also set to begin collection in coming months.

The U.S., meanwhile, is set on Jan. 6 to impose tariffs on $1.3 billion of French imports , including cosmetics and handbags. Washington also has pending investigations that could lead to similar tariffs on 10 other countries, including the U.K., Italy, India and Spain.

Publisher: WSJ
Date: 2020-12-30T13:00:00.000Z
Author: Sam Schechner and Paul Hannon
Twitter: @WSJ
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Facebook to close Irish units at center of tax dispute

Facebook confirmed Wednesday it was closing its Irish subsidiaries at the center of a dispute on profit shifting to avoid taxes in the United States.

The California tech giant acknowledged the winding down of Facebook Ireland Holdings Unlimited Company amid a dispute with US tax authorities, which claimed the company owed billions in taxes by improperly shifting profits offshore.

A Facebook spokesperson said the move was "part of a change that best aligns with our operating structure" and that the holdings of the three subsidiaries were "distributed to its US parent company."

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Top 100 People: Remaining relevant | Accounting Today

Ensuring the profession's relevance is top of mind for accounting's leaders, especially in an unprecedented year.

As part of this year's Top 100 Most Influential People survey, Accounting Today asked, "What is the most important issue currently facing the accounting profession?"

Many of the same challenges and forces of disruption that have steered the profession over the last few years remain, with 2020 intensifying the need for action on several. This year's Top 100 mentioned technology and remote working capabilities, diversity and inclusion efforts, and new client service models, among other areas needing improvement.

Publisher: Accounting Today
Date: 2020-12-30T14:01:12.963
Twitter: @AccountingToday
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

Promotions Announced by Accounting Firm Gumbiner Savett

Gumbiner Savett Inc. congratulates four staff members who were promoted to new positions as of January 1, 2021: Hauser among up-and-coming tax professionals to earn new titles

SANTA MONICA, Calif. , Dec. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Gumbiner Savett Inc. congratulates four staff members who were promoted to new positions as of January 1, 2021 : Ron Hauser was elevated to Tax Manager (from Tax Senior Associate), while Eduard Danielyan , Tiffany Delemo and David Sussman will assume their new roles as Tax Senior Associates (formerly Staff Accountants).

Twitter: @Yahoo
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Revenue Recognition Accounting Update (ASC 606) - June 22-23, 2021 -

Get your annual revenue recognition update here! The new Revenue Recognition Standard made a significant impact on the way most companies recognize revenues. Best practices continue to evolve and there are a number of areas where companies are still searching for answers.

This conference assumes you are already familiar with the five-step model. It will address the latest developments in key areas, significant changes, scope, disclosure, and impacts. There will be plenty of examples and a detailed case study.

Twitter: @Yahoo
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Accountants rush to wrap up end-of-year issues | Accounting Today

With only a few days to go before the end of a difficult year, some accountants and tax professionals are still hoping to finish up some perplexing issues for their clients before New Year's Day.

Besides matters pertaining to the PPP and other provisions of the CARES Act, accounting firms and their clients have needed to cope with issues left over from the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and what happens from providing paid leave to employees. Other issues may involve what to do with any payroll taxes that have been deferred under the coronavirus relief laws, as well as issues involving workers who have been furloughed or needed to reduce their hours.

Publisher: Accounting Today
Date: 2020-12-29T20:34:27.162
Author: https www accountingtoday com author michael cohn
Twitter: @AccountingToday
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Check out this next:

Visible Expert: The secret weapon for success | Accounting Today

The world of accounting can be a harsh environment. With so many firms offering similar services in a highly competitive marketplace, achieving significant, measurable success can be a daunting challenge. So how do you stand out in a crowded field? By becoming a Visible Expert.

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A Visible Expert is a professional with significant marketplace recognition and a reputation for specific expertise. VEs are the thought leaders and industry experts sought after for keynote addresses, media interviews and high-level conference presentations. They're the individuals who shape their professions and fuel their firms' growth and profitability. They're the high-profile professionals every client wants to work with.

Publisher: Accounting Today
Date: 2020-12-30T15:22:32.457
Author: https www accountingtoday com author lee frederiksen
Twitter: @AccountingToday
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The biggest stories in accounting for 2020 | Accounting Today

It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic was the primary story of 2020, and most of the biggest stories in accounting for the year reflect its impact, in everything from the remarkably smooth move to remote work to a new range of services centered on the Paycheck Protection Program and other stimulus measures.

What's more, most of the impact will continue to play out in the year ahead. The ongoing deployment of vaccines offers hope that we may see the end of the pandemic sooner rather than later, but for the near future it continues to grip the country and the economy.

Publisher: Accounting Today
Date: 2020-12-30T02:11:29.295
Author: https www accountingtoday com author daniel hood
Twitter: @AccountingToday
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Firms giving back: NJCPA collects $25K for food drive | Accounting Today

The New Jersey Society of CPAs held its CPA Career Awareness program and collected $25,000 for its 11th annual food drive; and Fulcrum Partners managing director Monte Harrick is helping his son's varsity basketball season get through COVID-`19 disruptions.

Publisher: Accounting Today
Date: 2020-12-30T17:00:46.32
Author: https www accountingtoday com author sean mccabe
Twitter: @AccountingToday
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How fintech can help accounting deliver timely, trustworthy investment data | Accounting Today

Opportunities don't stick around long, especially in the fast-moving financial world. When you're managing a large, diverse portfolio, you need to respond quickly when opportunities arise, and you need up-to-the-minute data to act with any confidence. But accounting and investment pros can't audit sources and verify data quickly enough to ensure the information is both updated and accurate.

There are several reasons why reliable data is so hard to come by. The need to reconcile information from multiple sources is a big part of the problem. Data is often siloed throughout the organization, and input from numerous departments is anything but consistent. When managers must sort through stale data, updates, revisions and inconsistencies, it's difficult to trust the information. They're not alone in their frustration.

Publisher: Accounting Today
Date: 2020-12-29T16:45:27.378
Author: https www accountingtoday com author ted meissner
Twitter: @AccountingToday
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Happening on Twitter

How to get money you didn't know you had - MarketWatch

Are you owed money you don't even know about? You might be, if your name is in an unclaimed property database. Each year, billions of dollars from forgotten security deposits, refunds, uncashed paychecks and even old bank accounts are reported to state agencies. And each year, according to the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators, an organization affiliated with state treasury departments, states return more than $3 billion to their rightful owners.

Just ask Maria Barlow, an attorney in Chicago. A few months ago, she was sitting at home when she decided to plug her name into the Illinois unclaimed property website. "I was surprised to see there was an entry," she says. Fast forward a few weeks, and she had a check in hand for $47.80.

Publisher: MarketWatch
Date: 2020-12-30T05:02:00-05:00
Author: Margarette Burnette
Twitter: @marketwatch
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

Last chance to double your money - Investigative Post

Our annual drive is winding down. If you'd still like to contribute, donations must be made by midnight Thursday to be eligible for matching dollars. We've had a successful campaign thus far. Last year, match-eligible donations of up to $1,000 totaled $23,312. Those donations this November and December, through Tuesday, come to $35,727. Those donations will […]

We've had a successful campaign thus far. Last year, match-eligible donations of up to $1,000 totaled $23,312. Those donations this November and December, through Tuesday, come to $35,727. Those donations will be matched, dollar for dollar, by supporters that include NewsMatch, the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, Try-It Distributing and the Mulroy Family Foundation.

Publisher: Investigative Post
Date: 2020-12-30T15:21:32 00:00
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Local performance venues set to receive money from Save Our Stages Act as part of latest COVID

This round of relief includes the Save Our Stages Act, which sets aside $15 billion to help those types of venues across the country. The bill was co-authored by Texas Sen. John Cornyn.

"Our revenue is way down, significantly less than 2019," President of Downtown Bryan's Grand Stafford Theater Jose Quintana said. "We're probably about 80% under our expected revenue for the year."

The Grand Stafford Theater is the oldest venue in Downtown Bryan and has been open for only one week since the pandemic began. The driving force behind the legislation is to save local venues that help preserve any given community's unique cultural flare.

Author: The bill co authored by Sen John Cornyn sets aside 15 billion to help those types of venues across the country
Twitter: @kbtxnews
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2-year degrees that go on to earn the least money | Personal-finance |

Two-year degrees do not always lead to jobs that pay well, even if they are professionally satisfying. Stacker found some of the lowest paying options, using data from Payscale .

Associate degrees generally require half the academic credits of a bachelor's degree. With 20 college courses earning students 60 credits, an associate degree takes two years—half the time of a bachelor's degree. And when taken as a whole, people with two-year degrees fare better than people without them. In 2019, those with associate degrees had a median weekly earnings of $887, while those with high school diplomas earned less, $746 per week, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

Author: Aine Givens
Twitter: @owhnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

'They get free money': People will receive a $600 stimulus check and $300 extra

They received all the benefits since March, including $600 a week extra. They're not going to look for a job because they have free money without doing anything. There were a lot of job openings, and businesses could not fill them.

Now these people are going to have 50 weeks of free money and another $300 a week in unemployment. There is no accountability to prove that they are trying to get a job in New York. I've heard of one case where the young adult purchased a new used car with cash. Another one is approaching the $13,000 mark in savings from unemployment.

Publisher: MarketWatch
Date: 2020-12-30T10:25:00-05:00
Author: Quentin Fottrell
Twitter: @marketwatch
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As 2020 winds down, renter programs get more money as Colorado’s state eviction moratorium

Struggling renters get one more month to figure out how to pay their rent, thanks to an extension of the national eviction moratorium in the new federal COVID-19 relief bill. 

There's also a new pot of federal money headed to Colorado just for rental assistance in the $908 billion Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, which became law Sunday night as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.

But surviving as a renter or homeowner today is a lot different from last spring, when the first pandemic-induced eviction moratoriums went into effect.

Publisher: The Colorado Sun
Twitter: @coloradosun
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Maine, local, financial, money, teens, savings, chores, planning |

Children benefit from learning how money works. When do you start to teach your kids about money?

* * *

 Once they learn where money comes from, you believe in teaching your kids three principles: 

Kids are like sponges. The goal here is to discuss money issues as a family without stigma or any negativity.

More and more financial institutions are now issuing debit cards for teenagers on their parent's account. Could this lead to overspending and running up debt?

Date: 12/30/2020 4:59:50 PM
Twitter: @newscentermaine
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Stimulus money started heading to bank accounts Tuesday night

WASHINGTON – The newly approved $600 stimulus checks started being deposited in bank accounts Tuesday night, according to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

In a tweet, Mnuchin said his agency has delivered payment instructions to the Federal Reserve and the first payments could start arriving by direct deposit as early as Tuesday night. He said the deposit process will continue into next week.

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People will be able to check the status of their stimulus payment later this week at .

Publisher: KPRC
Date: 2020-12-29T23:17:07.787Z
Author: Aaron Barker
Twitter: @KPRC
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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