Monday, October 26, 2020

What Overtime Pay Is and How to Calculate it -

There are some weeks when, even though your employees have put in their 40 hours, you still need more work done. You can ask for that additional work from your employees, but it's going to cost you more per hour than you normally pay staff, taking the form of overtime pay.

Employees who work more than 40 hours a week are entitled to a higher rate of pay for the additional work. This is called overtime pay. Federal overtime laws require employers to pay certain employees who work more than 40 hours in a week at least "time and a half" for the extra time they put in. For example, if an employee makes $30 an hour, they would receive $45 for each hour of overtime they work.

Publisher: Business News Daily
Twitter: @BNDarticles
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Nurses demand overtime pay in lawsuit against San Francisco; union claims 90,000 hours of work

Three nurses filed a lawsuit against the San Francisco’s Department of Public Health on Thursday for back pay they say they are entitled to after years of chronic understaffing at public health facilities.

The nurses say the department uses illegal practices to avoid paying overtime. In a lawsuit filed Thursday in federal court, they allege that nurses who work under a civil service appointment are not properly compensated for hours that exceed their standard 40-hour work week.

Date: 2020-10-23T01:19:28 00:00
Author: Nora Mishanec
Twitter: @sfchronicle
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Pennsylvania To Expand Eligibility For Overtime Pay Beyond Federal Thresholds – CBS

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — After three years of work on the issue, Gov. Tom Wolf's administration said Pennsylvania will become one of a handful of states to expand eligibility for overtime pay beyond federal thresholds, starting Saturday.

The Democratic governor first proposed the regulation three years ago amid a repeated failure to persuade the Republican-controlled Legislature to raise Pennsylvania's minimum wage above the federal baseline.

When it was approved in January by a regulatory board, the new overtime regulation was estimated to expand overtime pay eligibility to 82,000 of the very lowest-paid salaried workers through 2022, delivering another $20 million to nearly $23 million a year in increased earnings after the rule takes full effect.

Date: 2020-10-02T22:15:49 00:00
Author: https www facebook com CBSPittsburgh
Twitter: @/KDKA
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

San Francisco nurses sue city over staffing, overtime pay

Union officials contend the city's public healthcare facilities are systematically understaffed, which jeopardizes the safety of patients and nurses, according to KPIX . Additionally, nurses who work both per diem shifts and civil servant appointed positions aren't receiving overtime pay when they work more than 80 hours in a pay period because overtime hours are being classified as per diem hours, according to the union.

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According to the agreement between the city and union, hours worked in "excess of the regular or normal work day or week shall be designated as overtime." The agreement says overtime will be paid to those required to work more than eight hours in a day or 80 hours per payroll period.

Date: Nurses who work at San Francisco
Author: Kelly Gooch
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

Paterson NJ mayor, City Council spar on overtime payments

PATERSON — City Council members are raising objections to about $16,500 worth of overtime payments made to three employees in the business administrator's office during the past month.

Councilman Michael Jackson said the payments showed overtime in the administrator's office was "running amok" and said there was "a lack of oversight."

Business Administrator Kathleen Long asserted that members of her staff put in many extra hours to craft the city's current budget, meeting with department supervisors during the day and compiling numbers at night.

Publisher: North Jersey Media Group
Author: Joe Malinconico
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Pennsylvania's Minimum Wage Act and Overtime Pay Expanded

This past weekend, Governor Tom Wolf's new legislation went into effect, expanding Pennsylvania's Minimum Wage Act (MWA) regulating overtime pay. The legislation increases the maximum salary an employee can earn and still be eligible for overtime.

Under the new law, beginning on January 1, 2020 workers who earn up to $35,568 annually may qualify for overtime. That salary level increases to $40,560 annually beginning on October 3, 2021, and will increase again to $45,500 on October 3, 2022. Beginning in 2023, the salary threshold will adjust automatically every three years. The legislation permits up to 10% of those salary levels to be satisfied by commissions, incentive payments, and non-discretionary bonuses.

Publisher: The National Law Review
Date: 5493B547C0AB527FF4CF8C4D0127302A
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

New Pennsylvania Overtime Pay Regulation Now in Effect | Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP -

In our previous alert, we recognized that the new Pennsylvania overtime pay regulation, adopted in January 2020, would be effective upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. That date has now occurred. The Pennsylvania Bulletin finally published the overtime regulation so that the effective date for the new rules is October 3, 2020.

This means that the minimum salary required for exempt executives, administrators and professional (EAP) employees in Pennsylvania is now $684 per week ($35,568 annually) effective October 3, 2020, will be $780 weekly ($40,560 annually) effective October 3, 2021, and $875 weekly ($45,500 annually) effective October 3, 2022.

Publisher: JD Supra
Twitter: @jdsupra
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

New PA overtime rule should boost pay for Lehigh Valley workers - The Morning Call

Thousands of middle class workers in the Lehigh Valley and statewide will benefit from a new rule designed to expand eligibility for overtime pay beyond a federal threshold.

But the move comes at a difficult time, as many employers try to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, say some attuned to Valley businesses.

The expansion ends about three years of work on the issue by Gov. Tom Wolf's administration. On Saturday, Pennsylvania adopted the federal standard that took effect in January, when the Trump administration increased the eligibility threshold for overtime to $684 a week, or $35,568 a year, from $455 a week, or $23,660 annually. Starting next year, Pennsylvania will exceed the federal standard.

Date: 5BD4D8882CFBE697785FCAC5BBA5F612
Author: Anthony Salamone
Twitter: @mcall
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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