Saturday, October 31, 2020

Small Business Spotlight | WUTC

Listen to "Small Business Spotlight" on Thursdays during "Morning Edition," "Scenic Roots," and "All Things Considered" on WUTC.

Becky Jackson of North American Credit Services here in Chattanooga is this week's guest on "Small Business Spotlight" on WUTC, brought to you by the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce.

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Jill Levine of the Hamilton County Schools is this week's guest on "Small Business Spotlight" on WUTC, brought to you by the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce.

Twitter: @WUTC_FM
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

Middletown Launches Economic Relief Program to Help Small Businesses Recover from COVID-19 -

MIDDLETOWN, NJ  —Middletown Township on Friday, announced the application process for its Middletown Economic Relief Program (MERP). It's an initiative hat will provide financial assistance to small businesses in the municipality that has been affected by the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.

During a press conference on Oct. 15, Mayor Tony Perry and the Middletown Township Committee announced the launch of MERP, which will offer up to $15,000 to eligible businesses in the township. Congressman Chris Smith, Monmouth County Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Middletown Economic Development Committee Chairman Abe Littenberg, Township officials, and some local small business owners attended the event.

Publisher: TAPinto
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Fights in Front of Fans Test Boxing's Business in the Pandemic Era - The New York Times

Davis will fight even harder, he said, knowing that up to 10,000 people at the Alamodome in San Antonio will have spent money and ventured out during the outbreak to watch him.

"It's always a bit of a leap of faith," said Stephen Espinoza, the president of Showtime Sports. "There's a sizable chunk of this country that's under economic pressure. That's obviously something that makes a pay-per-view harder."

Inside the Alamodome on Saturday, organizers have said they will enforce measures meant to mitigate the risk of spreading the coronavirus. In a building that seats more than 64,000 people, attendance has been capped at 10,000. Spectators will be required to wear masks and undergo temperature checks, organizers said, and sit only with people in their party.

Date: 2020-10-31T04:56:11.316Z
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Navy Claims New Records for Small Business Participation, Improved Overall Acquisition Efficiency

James F. Geurts, the assistant secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition, speaks to the crowd about acquisition on Aug. 15, 2019 at the Marine Corps Ground Acquisition Award Dinner in Arlington, Va., in 2019. US Marine Corps Photo

The Department of the Navy continues to do more and more work with small businesses, again in Fiscal Year 2020 breaking records for how much money for goods and services went to small businesses – despite the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic brought on the Navy and industry side.

Publisher: USNI News
Date: 2020-10-30T18:57:20 00:00
Twitter: @USNINews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

And here's another article:

North Carolina Had Record Number of Q3 Business Applications

(TNS) — It sometimes feels like there are record levels of uncertainty in the world at the moment.

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The number of startups being formed in North Carolina, as well as across the country, is surging, at least according to one measurement the government keeps. The number of "high-propensity business" applications in the U.S. — a term the Census Bureau uses to track businesses that are most likely to become employers — recently reached its highest recorded level in a quarter.

Date: 2020-10-30
Twitter: @governing
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Businesses learn to shift to e-commerce | Business |
Publisher: News-Press NOW
Author: Bailey Ketcham News Press NOW
Twitter: @newspressnow
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

There's big business in thrift - InvestigateWest

Charities like Goodwill and Salvation Army have traditionally dominated the $10 billion nonprofit thrift-store industry, but they face competition from a growing number of for-profit companies.

Even with shopping malls and brick and mortar retail stores rapidly going out of business, America's retail scene is seeing fast growth of secondhand stores, especially the for-profit kind that are part of a $19.8 billion used goods industry.

"Demand has never been higher for used goods in the marketplace," says Eric Farley, a consultant in the recycling and resale business, who describes an invisible river of goods crisscrossing the nation, collected from donation bins and home pickups primarily to for-profit sellers. "Every day, millions upon millions of clothing and goods are travelling in 50-foot trailers and rail cars from one market to another."

Publisher: InvestigateWest
Date: 2020-10-30T16:23:53 00:00
Twitter: @invw
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

SBDC provides free business consulting and training - Plumas News

The Sierra Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides free business consulting and training to help existing and new small businesses through one-on-one advising, trainings and workshops, and funding assistance. SBDCs operate in every state and their mission is to promote entrepreneurship, small business growth, and the U.S. Economy.

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Content: Embracing digital technology and marketing as a means to communicate with customers and to promote your products and services.

Publisher: Plumas News
Date: 2020-10-30T21:33:57 00:00
Twitter: @plumasnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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