Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Premarket stocks: A wall of money outweighs virus fears — for now - CNN

Publisher: CNN
Date: 2020-06-16T12:00:50Z
Author: Julia Horowitz CNN Business
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

Earning More Money on Unemployment Than What You Previously Made?

As of May 2020, more than 20 million Americans were unemployed, and we can thank COVID-19 for that. Thankfully, those without an income from work are generally entitled to unemployment benefits provided they weren't fired for cause, and right now, those benefits are exceptionally lucrative.

Thanks to the CARES Act, which was passed in late March to provide COVID-19 relief, workers on unemployment are entitled to a $600 weekly boost on top of the benefit they'd normally qualify for. This means that someone who'd normally get $400 a week based on previous earnings should now be collecting $1,000 a week instead.

Publisher: Kenosha News
Date: 2020-06-16T07:47:00-0500
Author: _____
Twitter: @Kenosha_News
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

My biggest money mistake changed me forever - MarketWatch

"Money makes the world go round"—and that means we're constantly making financial decisions. Almost inevitably, some go awry. Like everyone else, I've made a lot of financial mistakes over the years. Here are some I wish I could take back.

When I was age 23, I graduated from college with a history degree. It wouldn't take long for me to realize it was a mistake. Early in my career, I was passed over three times for a promotion because I didn't have a business degree. Tired of hearing the same response, I went back to school part-time and earned an MBA. Result: I lost the chance not only to draw a larger paycheck, but also to save more in my 401(k) and elsewhere during those early years .

Publisher: MarketWatch
Date: 2020-06-15T16:34:00-04:00
Twitter: @marketwatch
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Introducing Money in Excel, an easier way to manage your finances - Microsoft 365 Blog

Managing personal finances can be a daunting prospect for most people, but having the right tools can help make it less challenging. While millions of people use Excel to track their budgets, manually updating a budget spreadsheet every month with the latest transactions can be a very time-consuming process. As organizing and tracking finances becomes a critical task for many of us, we want to help make managing your personal budget in Excel a more seamless experience.

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We know people often choose Excel to manage their finances because it allows them to take a more personalized approach. With this in mind, we designed Money in Excel to be easily customizable to suit your needs and goals. For example, if a certain transaction does not fall within an existing spending category, you can simply add your own.

Publisher: Microsoft 365 Blog
Date: 2020-06-15T16:00:10 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

You Now Get Almost Nothing for Your Money, but It Could Be Worse - The New York Times

Having enough cash on hand to pay the bills is always a good idea. But in an economic crisis like this one, with millions unemployed and thousands of businesses in trouble, it's more desirable than ever.

Plenty of people don't have a stash of cash. But for those fortunate enough to have salted away some extra money, a pressing question is: Where should you keep it?

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But don't expect much in return. Now that the Federal Reserve has committed to keeping short-term interest rates near zero until at least 2022, you are likely to earn almost nothing on that money. And that's if everything goes according to plan.

Date: 2020-06-12T16:48:55.000Z
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Money distributed this week for kids in Ohio on reduced lunches

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WJW) – Ohio families with children who receive free or reduced breakfasts and lunches should start receiving money this week.

The temporary program, called Pandemic-Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT), gives the families of 507,000 students who receive the assistance the money as a credit that can be spent in grocery stores.

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People who receive help with food from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will have that money loaded directly to their P-EBT card.

Publisher: fox8.com
Date: 2020-06-16T11:51:52 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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