Sunday, June 7, 2020

Client Alert: Employer Considerations for Remote Workers During and After COVID-19 - Lexology

Many employers found themselves supporting a remote workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic as they adapted quickly to stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines. As employers contemplate and implement a return-to-“normal” operations, many employers are grappling with the questions of how much of their workforce should be able to continue working remotely, and for how long.

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An employee injury or illness is compensable under workers’ compensation if it arises out of and in the course of employment, regardless of the location the injury occurs—even if the employee is working from home.

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Many things are taking place:

Park Rapids Council boosts liquor store pay | Park Rapids Enterprise
Publisher: Park Rapids Enterprise
Twitter: @Park Rapids Enterprise
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NYC to cut funds from NYPD budget and give to social programs - New York Daily News

The city will take an unspecified sum out of the NYPD's budget and spend it on youth and social services, Mayor de Blasio said Sunday, in an attempt to address one of the biggest demands to come out of the past week's protests.

"We are committed to shifting resources to ensure that the focus is on our young people," Hizzoner said at a press conference. "We will only do it in a way that we are certain continues to ensure that this city will be safe."

Date: 02916AAC0DA8B068EFE01D721E03ED7E
Author: Shant Shahrigian
Twitter: @nydailynews
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DOL Green Lights Bonuses for Employees with Fluctuating Work Schedules | Franczek P.C. - JDSupra

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a final rule under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) expressly authorizing employers to offer bonuses, hazard pay, and other premiums to employees whose hours, and regular rate of pay, vary from week to week.

The final rule revises 29 CFR §778.114, which is the DOL regulation that specifies how overtime is to be computed for salaried, non-exempt employees who work a fluctuating workweek. The new rule clarifies that bonuses, premium payments, commissions, and hazard pay on top of fixed salaries are compatible with the fluctuating workweek method of compensation and that employers must include such variable compensation when calculating an employee’s regular rate for overtime purposes.

Publisher: JD Supra
Author: The U S Department of Labor DOL has issued a final rule under the Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA expressly authorizing employers to offer bonuses hazard pay and other premiums to
Twitter: @jdsupra
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

Torres on OT issue: These are disaster hours - Saipan News, Headlines, Events, Ads | Saipan

Minority leader Rep. Edwin K. Propst (Ind-Saipan) expressed disappointment Friday following reports of Cabinet officials submitting requests for overtime authorizations despite the furlough of government employees.

In April, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Civil Service Commission's Office of Personnel Management furloughed employees to reduce government personnel costs by half. It was also deemed "necessary to be terminate" all excepted service employees, other than those federally funded or exempted by the governor.

Publisher: Saipan News, Headlines, Events, Ads | Saipan Tribune
Date: 2020-06-07T20:03:01 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Virus Leave Poses Pay Calculation Issues For Public Agencies - Law360

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Twitter: @law360
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NYPD's Budget Would Be Slashed By $1.1B Under Comptroller's Plan | New York City, NY Patch

The comptroller's plan — outlined in a letter sent to Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday — proposes slashing the NYPD budget by $1.1 billion over four years. Stringer specifically recommends implementing a hiring freeze for the upcoming fiscal year, reducing overtime payments to uniformed officers and restricting spending on support programs such as the NYPD's vehicle and technology budgets.

Stringer's cuts would represent a 5 percent reduction of the NYPD's budget for the upcoming fiscal year, which stands in contrast to de Blasio's proposed 0.31 percent cut. Making substaintail cuts to the NYPD budget would prevent larger cuts to social services and other city agencies, Stringer wrote in his letter to the mayor.

Publisher: New York City, NY Patch
Date: 2020-06-04T12:33:00-04:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

County cuts $422K from sheriff's budget | Local News | The Brunswick News

Safety has always been at the forefront for Overhead Door of Brunswick, and it continues to be one of the company's core values.

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Dayton Austin recently had to make one of the most difficult decisions he's faced during his 18-year career with the Boys & Girls Club.

Despite receiving thousands of letters opposed to a new landfill in Brantley County, its plans have passed the first test at the state Environmental Protection Division.

Publisher: The Brunswick News
Date: 5CFDA96080EE0C70DC3DA07C9452D1B4
Author: TAYLOR COOPER tcooper thebrunswicknews com
Twitter: @Brunswick_News
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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