Friday, June 26, 2020

9 Best Money Management Courses In 2020• Benzinga

Think you want to press the reset button on your financial journey? An online money management course is worth considering. 

The good news is, options are available for all skill levels and budgets. You won't have a tough time finding a course if money's tight. Plus, there are many options you can use if you've recently finished college and have little-to-no experience managing money.

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If you're trying to get a better handle on your finances, the last thing you need is a money management course that breaks the bank. Look for options offered at an affordable rate. Or you can start with free classes to acquire the foundational concepts and move on to paid selections as your budget permits. 

Publisher: Benzinga
Date: 2020-06-25T19:55:31 00:00
Author: Allison Martin
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Black businesses largely miss out on opportunity zone money - News - The Herald News, Fall

President Donald Trump says the opportunity zone tax break he signed into law in 2017 has created "tens of thousands of jobs" and is helping minority communities and Black business owners. In a tweet earlier this month, he pointed to opportunity zones as proof he'd done more for the Black community "than any President since Abraham Lincoln."

But critics have long said the tax break, which encourages building in designated low-income communities, may end up accelerating gentrification and that it's unlikely to help Black business owners.

Publisher: The Herald News, Fall River, MA
Date: 7E15F9269E2CE66F2A488ABB04B5015E
Author: Sophie QuintonStateline org
Twitter: @hnnow
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Money in Your Pocket 6/26/20 | WSYR
Publisher: WSYR
Date: 2020-06-26T11:27:53 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

CryptoSuper 500 – Keeping Track of the Supercomputers that Mine Money

Cryptocurrencies and the associated blockchain decentralized ledger technologies have grown in importance as a new asset class. They have fueled an emerging crypto economy which has become an important driver of technology development and investment decisions globally. Supercomputers, which do the heavy lifting for AI, science, and engineering, are increasingly also safeguarding digital money.

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In traditional banking, the validity of a transaction relies on establishing a single system of record. A bank is trusted to approve a transaction. Cryptocurrencies achieve the same goal in the opposite way. All transactions are broadcast to all willing computers, the more the better, and decentralized consensus is used to validate and approve a transaction.

Publisher: EnterpriseAI
Date: 2020-06-26T14:30:03 00:00
Twitter: @enterpriseai_
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

Second stimulus check: Lawmakers mixed on who gets money and when | WANE 15

WASHINGTON – Despite President Trump’s recent comments suggesting that a “very generous” second round of economic relief payments to Americans might be announced soon, lawmakers remain divided on the path forward.

“I’m open to anything that helps Main Street, if we need to help them going forward,” Rep. Greg Pence, (R-Ind.), told Nexstar Media. “I think it’s a little premature in my state – the economy’s doing great, we’re flat on the virus – so I think we have to go slow, let’s not get ahead of ourselves on a second stimulus package.”

Publisher: WANE 15
Date: 2020-06-26T10:00:27 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Dallas City Council questions lending $11 million in HUD money to fund four-star hotel | FOX 4

Dallas city councilmembers are concerned about a deal that puts money reserved for the most impoverished residents at risk of funding a four-star hotel.

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The Dallas city manager is now going to ask HUD to defer the payment, but city councilmembers are not happy with the whole arrangement.

The Lorenzo Hotel did turn what used to be an abandoned eyesore into an artistic landmark. The developer talked about it with the city council back in 2013.

Publisher: FOX 4 News Dallas-Fort Worth
Date: 2020-06-25
Author: Lori Brown
Twitter: @FOX4
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Coronavirus: Average worker is spending more money working from home – Press Enterprise

Forget saving money on gas and take-out lunches at the office. Americans on average are spending more money working from home than they were commuting to the office before shelter-in-place rules closed most offices.

Modest savings on gas and restaurant meals are more than offset for the average employee who's able to work remotely by higher spending on groceries and utilities, according to a new survey from . Nationally, people are saving about $27 a month on restaurants and takeout, $33 on gas and public transit and $34 on childcare. But that hardly makes up for the extra $121 they're spending on utilities and an extra $182 on groceries.

Publisher: Press Enterprise
Date: 2020-06-25T19:48:28 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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