Friday, August 28, 2020

The economic impact of Hurricane Laura, by the numbers - CNN

Publisher: CNN
Date: 2020-08-28T15:37:43Z
Author: Chris Isidore CNN Business
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

Economic impacts from sports program suspensions, says economist – Chico Enterprise-Record

CHICO — Pandemic impacts to restaurants, bars and rental housing in college towns are pretty obvious, but there may be more impact when looking at sports programs, according to economist Robert Eyler, who shared some below-the-surface observations during this month’s webinar.

Sports is an area that Eyler has delved into, but more with generalities than dollar specifics, in part because the school year at California universities and colleges is just getting started.

Publisher: Chico Enterprise-Record
Date: 2020-08-28T10:44:10 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Onam brings together Kerala's environment and economics

The rains have eased in Thrissur in Kerala. The sun stays longer than overcast skies. Flowers have opened bright – different sizes, different colours. The pollinators are busy, moving from flower to flower. The mongoose family in the empty plot moves in and out of the grass and weed canopy that has overgrown the land. Sitting ever so lightly on shrubs, the tailor bird couple is noisily planning a home and a family. This is the season of Onam, which falls on Monday.

Publisher: Mongabay-India
Date: 2020-08-28T06:02:17 00:00
Twitter: @mongabay
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Economists agree Canada is in a recession, but there's little consensus on why | CBC News

Economists say there is no doubt that Canada is experiencing a recession, but the exact criteria determining one is underway can be fraught with confusion.

Broadly speaking, a recession is a period of business contraction where economic activity declines. But what exactly constitutes a decline, and over what time period, is the subject of much debate.

* * *

Some economists prefer the C.D. Howe Institute's definition of a "pronounced, persistent and pervasive decline in aggregate economic activity" based on both GDP and employment metrics.

Publisher: CBC
Twitter: @cbc
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

Yeganeh Torbati joins The Washington Post as Economic Policy Investigations Reporter - The

Announcement from Business Editor David Cho, Deputy Business Editor Zachary Goldfarb and Economics Editor Damian Paletta:

Yeganeh comes to us from ProPublica, where she covered government agencies and the scramble for medical equipment during the coronavirus. She wrote a series of illuminating investigative stories, revealing the role Vice President Pence's office played in rerouting foreign aid to favored Christian groups and the Indian Health Service's effort to return 1 million KN95 masks that didn't meet health standards and were bought from a company run by a former White House official.

Publisher: Washington Post
Date: 2020-08-28T15:53:46.726Z
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Rex Murphy: The folly of green economics | National Post

Among the many items that stimulate curiosity about how public officials think, there was a small story out of Toronto concerning the city's plans for a post-COVID green economy. It is a story that is also pertinent to the federal government's overall goal of leveraging the COVID-induced meltdown of the Canadian economy to pursue, with all the flamboyance that the cause can stimulate, its treasured ideal of fighting apocalyptic global warming.

The nub of the story is that Toronto's ambulances are, thanks to federal funding, going to be outfitted with solar panels.

Publisher: National Post
Twitter: @nationalpost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UN chief warns India over 'bad economics' of coal | Deccan Herald

With India facing deadly air pollution, high healthcare costs and growing disaster threats from global warming, the head of the United Nations warned the country's leaders Friday that investing more in coal was "bad economics".

India, the world's third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has been ramping up its use of renewable energy - but coal remains its dominant fuel for power production.

Publisher: Deccan Herald
Date: 2020-08-28T15:58:11 05:30
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Premarket stocks: Japan's Abe is out, but his economic legacy will last for decades - CNN
Publisher: CNN
Date: 2020-08-28T11:33:37Z
Author: Charles Riley and Julia Horowitz CNN Business
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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