Saturday, August 29, 2020

Minimizing Risk for Unpaid Overtime – U.S.

Accurately tracking hours worked by non-exempt employees for purposes of overtime pay has always been an area of potential risk for employers.  The issue is thorny one because of how the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) defines what constitutes compensable hours worked for minimum wage and overtime pay purposes.

An unprecedented number of employees currently are working remotely due to COVID-19, making this issue and this risk more relevant than ever.  Earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB) [ ] reaffirming employers’ wage and hour responsibilities for non-exempt employees working remotely due to COVID-19 or otherwise.

Publisher: JD Supra
Twitter: @jdsupra
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

U.S. Postal Service Spent $522 Million on Questionable Overtime Last Year, Watchdog Says - WSJ
Publisher: WSJ
Date: 2020-08-26T20:17:00.000Z
Author: The U S Postal Service s watchdog criticized the agency s handling of overtime expenses finding lackluster controls resulted in millions of dollars in extra costs It said 42 of postal workers logged unauthorized overtime last year
Twitter: @WSJ
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Don't reduce 60-hour OT threshold for farmworkers, state board told | Newsday

Karl Novak, general manager of Half Hollow Nursery Inc. in Dix Hills, was among those testifying Wednesday during a virtual public hearing before the state Farm Laborers Wage Board. Credit: Newsday / James T. Madore

The state shouldn't lower the 60-hours-per-week threshold for farmworkers to receive overtime pay because the benefit has only been available since Jan. 1 and more time is needed to determine the impact on farms, speakers said Wednesday during a virtual public hearing.

Publisher: Newsday
Date: AC41EB10D1EC6B5358F0ECA0E861CCAA
Author: James T Madore
Twitter: @Newsday
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Are You Entitled To Overtime Pay If You Work From Home?

As working from home becomes the new normal, this question becomes increasingly relevant. Working from home often blurs the lines between your work day and time off, and it’s not unusual for people to find themselves working longer hours at home than they ever did at the office.

* * *

COVID aside, whether or not you’re eligible for overtime pay at all depends on whether you’re an exempt or non-exempt employee.

“Exempt” employees don’t qualify for overtime pay or even minimum wage. Exempt employees are paid a yearly salary, and tend to be higher-level workers such as executives, managers, and highly educated professionals.

Date: 5E34A97C920DB9F5CCEBCE48330D630B
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Check out this next:

Gyro Tech Sued for FLSA Violations - Tech

Gyro is a Texas company, headquartered in Corpus Christi, which provides oilfield services. According to the complaint, the plaintiff worked as a wireline operator for Gyro from 2013 to 2019 in oil fields around the central United States. As a wireline operator, he was "responsible for inserting tools and cable down a well, typically in the fracturing process."

The defendant allegedly "requires its wireline operators to work lengthy workweeks. Seven-day work weeks are common as are work weeks in excess of 80 hours." Yet, the plaintiff argues that neither he nor other wireline operators were paid overtime. Instead, the complaint says, they were under-compensated with "a flat monthly salary plus a day rate for each day spent in the field.

Publisher: LawStreetMedia
Date: 2020-08-28T15:36:09 00:00
Twitter: @LawStreetMedia
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

2021 proposed budget bolsters police, fire staffing | Local news |
Publisher: Kokomo Tribune
Author: Tyler Juranovich Kokomo Tribune
Twitter: @KokomoTribune
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Report: Nearly Half of Postal Service Employees Had 'Unauthorized Overtime' Last Year -

A new report from the Office of Inspector General at the Postal Service found that almost half of the agency's employees had "unauthorized overtime" in fiscal year 2019 to the tune of over $500 million.

--> During the last fiscal year, the IG found that 263,694 of the Postal Service's 633,108 career and non-career employees (42%) had what it labeled "unauthorized overtime." Consequently, the IG estimates that the Postal Service incurred about $521.6 million in questioned overtime costs.

Author: An IG report found that the Postal Service has a growing problem with costs stemming from what it calls unauthorized overtime
Twitter: @FedSmith
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Former Tennessee police officer accused of claiming more than $8K of false overtime

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — A former police officer in Tennessee is accused of submitting false overtime reports that totaled more than $8,000, state officials said Thursday.

Joshua Robert Smith, who worked for the Knoxville Police Department, was indicted after an investigation revealed he submitted overtime requests 98 times for 272 hours he did not work, the Tennessee Comptroller's Office said in a news release . The investigation revealed that Smith was paid at least $8,473 between Feb. 25, 2017, and Feb. 9, 2019, the release said.

Publisher: WJAX
Date: 2020-08-28T00:14:19.026Z
Author: Bob D
Twitter: @ActionNewsJax
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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NYPD Lieutenant Indicted For Billing
