Thursday, November 5, 2020

Washington Supreme Court grants overtime pay to farmworkers | Dairy |

Publisher: Capital Press
Author: DON JENKINS Capital Press
Twitter: @capitalpress
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Pennsylvania Expands Overtime Pay Beyond Federal Thresholds | Jackson Lewis P.C. - JDSupra

This past weekend, Governor Tom Wolf’s new legislation went into effect, expanding Pennsylvania’s Minimum Wage Act (MWA) regulating overtime pay.  The legislation increases the minimum salary an employee can earn and still be eligible for overtime. 

Under the new law, beginning on January 1, 2020 workers who earn up to $35,568 annually may qualify for overtime. That salary level increases to $40,560 annually beginning on October 3, 2021, and will increase again to $45,500 on October 3, 2022. Beginning in 2023, the salary threshold will adjust automatically every three years.  The legislation permits up to 10% of those salary levels to be satisfied by commissions, incentive payments, and non-discretionary bonuses. 

Publisher: JD Supra
Twitter: @jdsupra
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Overtime Salary Thresholds Increasing for Washington Employees - Lexology

On January 1, 2021, Washington’s minimum wage will increase by 19 cents per hour. Employees age 16 and older must be paid at least $13.69 per hour. Employees between 14 and 15 years of age must be paid at least $11.64 per hour.

This change resulted from Initiative 1433, passed by Washington voters in 2017. The initiative required the Washington Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) to calculate wage increases to the state’s minimum wage to adjust for inflation, starting in September 2020 and each subsequent year.

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Before election, Trump made it easier to misclassify workers as 'independent contractors' –

NEW YORK—Donald Trump wants to give another big financial lollipop to the nation's corporate class, and the proverbial lump of coal to millions of workers, election or no election. New York Attorney General Tish James is trying to stop him.

And so are 23 other state Attorneys General, plus the cities of New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh.

The latest goodie the GOP Oval Office occupant tossed to the 1% was to have his Labor Department expand the legions of workers whom bosses could unilaterally declare are "independent contractors," stripping them of worker rights, including the right to unionize—and even the right to earn the federal minimum wage, or overtime pay when they toil too long.

Publisher: People's World
Date: 2020-11-05T09:03:56-06:00
Author: https www peoplesworld org authors mark gruenberg 2
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

Social Worker Claims NYC Shortchanges On OT Pay - Law360

In the legal profession, information is the key to success. You have to know what's happening with clients, competitors, practice areas, and industries. Law360 provides the intelligence you need to remain an expert and beat the competition.

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Twitter: @law360
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Chipotle Workers Ask High Court to Deny Wage Class Review - Law360

In the legal profession, information is the key to success. You have to know what's happening with clients, competitors, practice areas, and industries. Law360 provides the intelligence you need to remain an expert and beat the competition.

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Twitter: @law360
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San Diego paying out $3.4 million to 700 firefighters for underpaid overtime - The San Diego

San Diego agreed this week to pay $3.4 million to more than 700 city firefighters to compensate them for underpaid overtime they should have received several years ago.

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The payout comes six months after the city reached a similar legal settlement with more than 2,300 other city workers for the same kind of underpaid overtime.

The cases were handled separately because overtime calculations differ for firefighters, who work 24-hour shifts that include sleeping overnight in firehouses.

Publisher: San Diego Union-Tribune
Date: 2020-10-15T04:30:28.206
Author: https www sandiegouniontribune com sdut david garrick staff html
Twitter: @sdut
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Good Records Help During Labor Audits | Unpublished |

Securing a large enough, qualified workforce is one of the biggest challenges for any seasonal business.

In a recent Farm Credit East-sponsored webinar, "Navigating the Maze," immigration legal expert Leonard D'Arrigo provided advice for the process of applying for H-2B workers and preparing for government audits.

H-2B visas are for temporary, foreign workers employed by non-agricultural businesses such as landscapers and hotels.

Publisher: Lancaster Farming
Author: Paul Post New York Correspondent
Twitter: @LancFarming
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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