Monday, November 16, 2020

RCEP: A new trade agreement that will shape global economics and politics

Publisher: Brookings
Date: 2020-11-16T16:52:12 00:00
Author: Peter A Petri and Michael Plummer
Twitter: @BrookingsInst
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In case you are keeping track:

Economic Demands Test Biden Even Before Inauguration - The New York Times

President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.'s first economic test is coming months before Inauguration Day, as a slowing recovery and accelerating coronavirus infections give new urgency to talks on government aid to struggling households and businesses.

With a short window for action in the lame-duck congressional session, Mr. Biden must decide whether to push Democratic leaders to cut a quick deal on a package much smaller than they say is needed or to hold out hope for a larger one after he takes office.

Date: 2020-11-14T14:33:29.000Z
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Highlights of President-Elect Joe Biden's Transition: November 16, 2020 - The New York Times

WASHINGTON — President-elect Biden will formally announce key members of his White House staff on Tuesday, tapping Representative Cedric L. Richmond of Louisiana to oversee public outreach and installing Jen O'Malley Dillon, who successfully managed his presidential campaign, as a deputy chief of staff, a person familiar with the transition said.

Mr. Biden will also announce that Steve Ricchetti, a longtime confidant, will serve in the White House as a counselor to the president. All three will likely have offices just down the hall from the Oval Office, making them among the most senior aides in the West Wing.

Date: 2020-11-16T13:29:13.000Z
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Harris Professor James Robinson Speaks on Global Economic Inequality, the Legacy of Colonialism

In a Q&A with UChicago International Development Society, Robinson shared his opinions on the role of government institutions and the World Bank in repairing global trends of income inequality.

He recalled that his involvement in political science began in 1979, an exciting political moment just before the start of the Reagan Administration and the election of Margaret Thatcher. Yet, as he pursued political science, he realized that “political science seemed to be all about economics.” This prompted him to pursue the two disciplines jointly.

Twitter: @chicagomaroon
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Not to change the topic here:

5G will be critical to New York's economic recovery

Imagine the frustration of working to establish an online presence and shifting all your inventory onto a website only to discover that your internet connection isn’t reliable or fast enough to handle the resulting traffic. Or, worse yet, that your customers don’t have the connectivity necessary to patronize your new site.

New Yorkers must have online access that is widespread, reliable and capable of handling large amounts of data. And while we are working to close today’s digital divide, we must also redouble our efforts to facilitate the rollout of next-generation wireless connectivity—5G—to ensure that no one is left behind in the next wave of technological advancements.

Publisher: Crain's New York Business
Date: 2020-11-16T14:40:53-0500
Author: Thomas Grech Randy Peers
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Greater social support linked to lower diabetes distress, study says | Medical Economics

A perceived lack of support from family and friends can affect a patient's ability to manage type 2 diabetes.

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A new study in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) shows that community support may play a role in the management of diabetes.

The researchers found that as perceived social support increased, diabetes-related distress decreased. This distress can derail treatment, the release says.

Publisher: Medical Economics
Twitter: @Medical Economics
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Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Twitter: @FinancialTimes
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Joe Biden's first big economic speech did not push a compromise stimulus bill with Republicans -

As President-elect Joe Biden took the stage Monday for his first big address on the U.S. economy, coronavirus cases were hitting all-time highs, numerous states and cities were issuing fresh stay-at-home orders, and Americans were noticeably pulling back again on spending .

Biden made clear that his first priority is getting the virus under control. He walked onstage wearing a mask and proclaimed, "There's nothing macho about not wearing a mask." He urged unity and common sense, saying that his own family would limit Thanksgiving celebrations to no more than 10 people.

Publisher: Washington Post
Date: 2020-11-16T22:55:16.937Z
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
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