Friday, November 13, 2020

2021 Marketing Budget: Don't Forget These 3 Things - Business 2 Community

2021 Marketing Budget: Don't Forget These 3 Things - Business 2 Community

As the new year steadily approaches, now is the best time to adapt to the changing environment and prepare for the unpredictable by developing a marketing budget plan for your company in 2021.

Since we are immersed in a technologically reliant world, it's important to incorporate digital elements into your marketing budget plan for 2021.

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A marketing budget details the amount your business plans to spend on marketing material over a defined period of time.

Publisher: Business 2 Community
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

And here's another article:

Holiday Season is around the corner, be sure to budget

DETROIT – With the holiday season approaching and a new stimulus deal still in the distance, many people are taking a hard look at their finances to budget for lean times.

The economic impact of coronavirus has been severe. Millions are unemployed and struggling to survive financially.

Having some type of a budget is essential -- especially as we head toward the Holiday Season, when spending is up for many.

Take a look at all your bills and expenses to prioritize and determine what are the "must-pay" bills. The goal is to avoid a negative hit to your credit rating.

Publisher: WDIV
Date: 2020-11-12T23:22:12.979Z
Author: Hank Winchester Dane Kelly
Twitter: @WDIV
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Are You Giving Every Department Equal Access to Technology?

The rich get richer; the rest play catchup. That describes the innovation achievement gap between companies that have massive resources in AI, data, automation, and state-of-the-art enterprise systems and those that don't. But for companies struggling to keep up, the real problem may not be the disparities between them and their competitors.

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Other companies find that uneven access to data prevents them from creating a pervasive culture of data-driven decision making. This can lead to numerous pockets of "data illiteracy" in the organization. For example, when a large European energy firm wanted to create an enterprise-wide, AI-driven data capability, they discovered that they would first have to engage in extensive company-wide education to bring all departments up to a common level of understanding of the opportunity.

Publisher: Harvard Business Review
Date: 2020-11-12T13:35:18Z
Twitter: @harvardbiz
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

7 Things Ruining Your Marketing Budget & How to Fix Them | MarketingProfs

B2B buying cycles are getting longer and more complex, and the more time you spend in the funnel, the more likely you are to take missteps that could destroy your marketing budget.

This article outlines seven steps you can take to avoid those common pitfalls and protect your marketing budget.

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If you're marketing only to C-suite or executive-level managers, re-evaluate your strategy. Though 64% of C-suite executives do have final say, 24% of those who also play a role in buying decisions are not in the C-suite, according to a Google study .

Publisher: MarketingProfs
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How a NYC Fashion Designer Spends $1M of Her Company's Budget

We asked NYC fashion designer and entrepreneur in her 30's, making $1,000,000 through her company, to compare and break down her monthly finances and responsibilities.

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"Wardrobe is probably the most important element in storytelling, outside of actually writing," said the show's creator, Dan Levy.

Insider spoke with interior design experts Tamara Day and Jeremiah Brent about how owners can make the most of their money when tackling a renovation.

Twitter: @Yahoo
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

AOC, other congresswomen share tips on how to shop affordably

Running for public office can be expensive. Not only do you have to worry about funding a campaign, and paying for staff, but you also have to worry about your appearance. In fact, research shows that for women candidates, wardrobe, makeup and overall style play a huge role in how they're perceived by voters.

Cori Bush , Missouri's first Black congresswoman, recently took to Twitter to discuss how costly it is to shop for a new wardrobe as a newly-elected official.

Publisher: CNBC
Date: 2020-11-11T18:25:21 0000
Author: https www facebook com CNBC
Twitter: @CNBC
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Marketing Costs: Deciding How Much to Budget

Marketing is one of a business's bigger expenses, but spending money on this crucial part of the business game is entirely necessary. Without marketing, how will people see your business? If you play your marketing cards right, you'll see a high rate on investment.

That said, you can't go around spending the company's money on marketing strategies willy-nilly. As much as it is a creative practice, you must stay financially disciplined. That's why every business should decide how much to budget for their marketing costs every year.

Publisher: International Business Times
Date: 2020-11-13T17:31:23-05:00
Twitter: @IBTimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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