Thursday, September 10, 2020

What You Should Know About Overtime Pay Laws -

When your employees work longer hours than they are scheduled for, not paying them the appropriate amount for the extra work could force you into some hot water. Employees who are eligible for overtime pay and don't receive it could take their case to court, which will not only cost you in legal fees but also put a serious dent in your company's reputation.

Simply put, overtime is the additional time employees work outside of their normal hours. Overtime pay is the amount of money workers are entitled to for putting in that extra time. Employees should receive their overtime wages in the paycheck that follows the pay period in which they worked the overtime hours.

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This may worth something:

Portland Police Dept.

According to new data out of Portland , the city’s police department spent $6.9 million between June and July to pay officers for overtime hours spent protecting residents amid ongoing rioting and looting in the city’s streets. This reportedly marks a 200-percent increase from overtime pay last year during the same time period.

Additionally, the Portland Police Department has spent tens-of-thousands of dollars on fencing, munitions and other crowd control equipment in an effort to quell the unrest.

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Salaried County Administrators Cash in on Overtime Payments

Buffalo, NY (WBEN) - High-ranking, salaried administrators have cashed in on overtime pay during the Coronavirus crisis. 

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That includes $441,655 in pay to the Erie County Sheriff's office, and $83,996 in overtime payments to Erie County Health Commissioner Dr. Gale Burstein. Out of the 54 employees listed in the overtime pay report, only three, including Burstein, work in the Health Department.

"We really need to do a deep dive into what was going on - my initial reaction is that I'm shocked," said Republican Erie County Legislator Joe Lorigo. "It's not as if any of these people aren't paid well - for example - the health commissioner's base salary for 2020 is over $207,000 a year, and overtime at $90,000 over three months is a lot.

Date: 2020-07-16T13:23:00.000 00:00
Author: A New Morning with Susan Rose and Brian Mazurowski
Twitter: @radiodotcom
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DOL Clarifies Fluctuating Workweek Hours Requirement And Other Issues In New Opinion Letters |

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) recently issued four opinion letters addressing various exemption and compensation requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), including standards for reasonable approximation and reimbursement of business-related expenses and eligibility requirements for the fluctuating workweek method of calculating overtime pay.

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In FLSA2020-11 , the WHD analyzed whether the FLSA’s “retail or service establishment” overtime exemption applies to an employer whose truck drivers transport fluid waste from customer oilfield locations to disposal facilities.

Publisher: JD Supra
Twitter: @jdsupra
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Were you following this:

5th Circ. Told Oil Rig Worker Can't Get OT Despite 'Day Rate' - Law360

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Bullock sues postmaster general over Montana mail delivery slowdown ~ Missoula Current

(KPAX) Gov. Steve Bullock has filed a lawsuit against the postmaster general over what he calls “unlawful changes to mail delivery.”

The suit names recent changes to Postal Service policies such as eliminating overtime pay for certain workers and changing how election mail is classified and charged.

The suit also says that under DeJoy, the Postal Service has removed mail drop boxes and dismantled large sorting machines in Montana.

Publisher: Missoula Current
Date: 2020-09-10T06:34:59-06:00
Twitter: @missoulacurrent
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Our view: Postpone action on farm wages in New York | Editorial |

On the heels of a law passed last year granting greater labor rights to farm employees in New York and requiring that overtime be paid after 60 hours of work, a deadline is fast approaching on another aspect of farm wages, and we agree with those who believe it should be delayed.

The Farm Laborers Wage Board has until the end of the year to issue a report and recommendations to the governor and state Legislature whether the overtime pay threshold should be lowered, but some lawmakers want the report and recommendations put off until 2024 and have the board consider farm wages and overtime rates in other states as well as the impact of COVID-19 on farms.

Publisher: Auburn Citizen
Date: 2020-09-10T00:30:00-0400
Author: The Citizen Editorial Board
Twitter: @the_citizen
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Despite Safety Risks, Bus Drivers Forced to Fake Working Hours to Conceal Overtime | New Bloom

TRANSPORTATION WORKERS in Taiwan continue to be overworked, as reflected in reports that bus drivers working for the Taoyuan Bus Company were made to fake their working hours by their employers.

As such, it is currently required that bus drivers insert USB drives into their buses to log their working hours when they begin driving. However, it was found that the Taoyuan Bus Company was requiring that drivers use two sets of USBs in order to avoid their overwork being discovered. Reportedly, some drivers had been working seventeen-hour days for fifteen days at a time.

Publisher: New Bloom Magazine
Date: 2020-09-10T07:41 00:00
Twitter: @newbloommag
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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