Thursday, September 24, 2020

Dallas Police Department overtime budget cut by city council | The Texas Tribune

The Dallas City Council voted Wednesday to approve an annual budget that increased spending on its police department, but only after amending the spending plan to cut $7 million from the $24 million that would have been marked for overtime pay for police.

Much of the overtime cuts were reallocated for other purposes in the department, including more than $3.8 million to hire nearly 100 civilian workers. Other new spending will go toward addressing root causes of crime and improving street lighting.

Publisher: The Texas Tribune
Date: 2020-09-24T04:50:59 00:00
Author: Dan Rosenzweig Ziff and Jolie McCullough
Twitter: @TexasTribune
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

Farmers Insurance Overtime Pay Settlement – Over and Over Again
Author: Jane Mundy
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

DOL issues new final rule and updated guidance for employers who use the fluctuating workweek

The FLSA requires employers to pay nonexempt employees at least one-and-one-half times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek. Many employers simply pay nonexempt employees a pre-determined hourly rate, and overtime at time and one-half (150 percent) that hourly rate for when the employee works more than 40 hours in a workweek.

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Properly calculating regular rate is one of the key items to ensuring compliant use of an FWW system. The regular rate is typically calculated by dividing the compensation paid for a workweek by the total hours worked in the workweek for which the compensation was paid.

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Erie County Comptroller looking into COVID-19 overtime spending | News 4 Buffalo

(WIVB) – Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw reached out to all 62 counties in New York to find out how much overtime pay has been paid since the passing of the federal CARES Act.

The comptroller says 52 counties responded with a total of $45,000 in overtime paid to managerial confidential workers statewide- but Erie County has paid almost $1 million.

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According to the USDA, the text may say you were chosen to get food stamps or SNAP benefits. If you're unsure if a request for information on SNAP is real or not, contact your local SNAP office.

Publisher: News 4 Buffalo
Date: 2020-09-24T00:48:56 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Overtime for top Erie County appointees exceeds most other counties | Buffalo Politics News |

Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw says Erie County has spent more money on overtime for political appointees than most other counties in New York State.

The Covid-19 overtime that Erie County government paid to its high-level, "managerial confidential" administrators exceeded by nearly $900,000 the combined total paid to administrators in 52 other counties across New York State, according to the Erie County Comptroller's Office.

Monroe, Nassau, Westchester and Suffolk counties, whose large governments also received federal aid to battle the coronavirus, chose not to spend it on overtime for top appointees, said Scott Kroll, the deputy comptroller for the Audit Division.

Publisher: The Buffalo News
Date: 2020-09-23T06:00:00-0400
Author: Sandra Tan News Staff Reporter
Twitter: @TheBuffaloNews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Are Your Employees Covered by the Employment Standards Act? - Lexology

When preparing employment agreements or considering applicable rules for topics like overtime pay, vacation pay, or termination pay, the first question is to determine if the workplace or the employees are protected by the Employment Standards Act in BC. This generally involves two different inquiries.

First, one must consider whether the business is federally regulated and therefore governed by the Canada Labour Code. Federally regulated workplaces generally include:

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

WDSU Investigates: Sewerage & Water Board leaders get 'emergency' pay, despite

Top executives at the Sewerage & Water Board are among nearly 130 salaried employees who are not supposed to earn overtime. WDSU Investigates examined payroll records from 2019 and discovered that four key leaders and dozens of other employees received more than $100,000 in extra pay last year.

Records show 41 overtime-exempt employees – or nearly one-third who can't be paid extra for work beyond 40 hours a week – received emergency pay. It kicked in when the mayor declared citywide weather emergencies, which occurred in 2019 for tropical storms Barry and Gordon.

Publisher: WDSU
Date: 2020-09-22T23:00:00Z
Author: Greg LaRose
Twitter: @WDSU
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

White NYC Laborers Rack Up Overtime as Black, Latino and Asian Workers Get Crumbs: Suit - THE CITY

Last year, Department of Citywide Administrative Services laborer Michael Maldonado earned a base salary of $74,184 working out of the city's massive storehouse in Ridgewood, Queens.

A few miles away in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, DCAS laborer Al Scotti made the exact same base pay of $74,184 working out of the home base for the city's tradesmen in a low slung red-brick workshop next to the Williamsburg Bridge.

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Maldonado scared up 48.5 hours of overtime in 2019, bringing his total haul for the year to $77,016.

Publisher: THE CITY
Date: 2020-09-23T20:45:04-04:00
Author: Greg B Smith
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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