Monday, November 29, 2021

POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Should agricultural workers be eligible for overtime pay?

Agriculture is the oldest industry in the world. Throughout history it has evolved to meet the needs of the human race — and so have its workers. This industry is different from any other, and it should be treated as such.

The bill lacked support from both sides of the aisle when it was initially debated during the legislative session; it was immediately recognized as an overreaching attack on Colorado's food producers.

Publisher: Colorado Springs Gazette
Author: Jerry Sonnenberg and Dylan M Harris
Twitter: @csgazette
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Am I legally entitled to extra pay for working overtime? Your rights explained - Mirror Online

If you're over 30 you'd be forgiven for thinking that being paid overtime is a right, as in all likelihood, your employer will have paid you double time or time and a half for working weekends in the past.

If you're a little older, you might even reminisce about the days of double or triple time for working bank holidays or Sundays - perhaps even a few days in lieu.

Publisher: mirror
Date: 2021-11-28T07:00:00Z
Author: Martyn James
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Oregon lawmakers to consider farmworker overtime, timber tax in 2022 short session -

In this file photo, members of the Oregon House of Representatives were sworn in on Jan 11, 2021. Lawmakers are preparing for a short session in 2022. The Oregonian

Lawmakers aired some of their priorities for the five-week session during committee meetings earlier this month, ahead of the Nov. 19 deadline for them to file bill drafting requests.

Publisher: oregonlive
Date: 2021-11-27T23:23:45.591Z
Author: hborrud
Twitter: @oregonlive
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

EC clears EUR 250 mln in funding for vaccines, healthcare overtime pay - BBJ

The European Commission said it approved EUR 250 million in funding for Hungary to buy 13m jabs of Covid vaccines and pay compensation to doctors and nurses who worked extra hours during the pandemic, according to a report by state news wire MTI.

Hungary will get the funding in the framework of its national Human Resource Development Operative Program.

Twitter: @bbj_hu
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Teachers' group demands still unpaid overtime compensation | The Manila Times

More than 200 teachers from the ACT-National Capital Region (NCR or Metro Manila) held a picket protest at the Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office, where they also hung a giant demand letter for their overtime pay.

ACT Secretary-General Raymond Basilio noted that the DepEd has denied them of their overtime pay, working from June to early October 2020, as they were preparing for the opening of the school year amid the pandemic.

Publisher: The Manila Times
Date: 2021-11-27 11:55:07
Author: Kaithreen Cruz
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Needed: More snowplow drivers in Attleboro area, state | Local News |
Publisher: The Sun Chronicle
Date: local_news daily_update
Author: Stephen Peterson speterson thesunchronicle com
Twitter: @TheSunChronicle
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UNM set to appeal unionization effort - Albuquerque Journal

Continuing a seesaw affair that started nearly a year ago, the University of New Mexico has filed notice in 2nd Judicial District Court that it intends to appeal a ruling that allows UNM graduate student workers to unionize.

“Because of the importance of these issues to our mission, we feel a correct and thorough legal examination of the issues is necessary and this is the role of the courts,” said Cinnamon Blair, UNM’s chief marketing and communications officer.

Publisher: Albuquerque Journal
Date: 2021-11-28T05:37:22 00:00
Author: Ollie Reed Jr Journal Staff Writer
Twitter: @abqjournal
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Pandemic's strain on special education services grows critical at San Antonio ISD, therapists say

Brenda Slocume talks as she stands behind her daughter Stephanie Mejia, 11, in the doorway of their home. Stephanie is a student at Tafolla Middle School and went months without speech therapy or homebound classes because of staff shortages and a paperwork error.

Stephanie Mejia, 11, stands in the doorway of her family's home next to her mother Brenda Slocume. A student at Tafolla Middle School, she went months without speech therapy or homebound classes because of staff shortages and a paperwork error.

Publisher: San Antonio Express-News
Date: 2021-11-29 10:00:00
Author: By Claire Bryan Staff writer
Twitter: @expressnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Long hours. No privacy. Same pay. The work from home overkill - IT-Online

There are two risks inherent in the work from home (WFH) era and they are two sides of the same coin – lack of productivity and excessive productivity.

As Nicol Myburgh, head of the HCM business unit at CRS Technologies points out, this is a very fine line that companies need to walk very carefully.

Publisher: IT-Online
Date: 2021-11-29T09:02:43 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Maintenance workers locked out of DuPont plant in Chesterfield after union negotiations stall;

At DuPont's Spruance Plant, ballistics tests are conducted to test the integrity of Kevlar that is used in body armor.

RICHMOND — About 95 employees of DuPont Co.'s Spruance plant in Chesterfield County have been locked out of work by the company for more than a month after negotiations over a new union contract stalled.

Publisher: Roanoke Times
Date: JOHN REID BLACKWELL Richmond Times-Dispatch
Author: JOHN REID BLACKWELL Richmond Times Dispatch
Twitter: @roanoketimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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