Friday, November 12, 2021

Build Back Better would cut taxes for nearly all households next year

Meanwhile, those earning around $885,000 or more, the top 1% of households, would pay around $55,000 more in taxes in 2022. And those in the top 0.1% — those making $4 million or more — would pay an additional $585,000, per the report.

Publisher: CNBC
Date: 2021-11-12T17:34:57 0000
Author: https www facebook com CNBC
Twitter: @CNBC
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Chicago's New Budget Contains Harmful Taxes and Unsustainable Programs | Citizens Against

Chicago residents seeking a reprieve from high taxes and wasteful spending will find themselves out of luck under the city's $16.7 billion fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget , a 30 percent increase over FY 2021. Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) called it "the most progressive ever in the history" of the city.

Publisher: Citizens Against Government Waste
Date: 2021-11-12T13:49-05:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Hawaii Sues State's Largest Oil Refiner For Alleged Unpaid Taxes - Honolulu Civil Beat

The whistleblower suit against Par Hawaii could have repercussions for other companies operating in Hawaii’s foreign trade zones.

The State of Hawaii has sued the state's largest oil refiner, alleging the company relied on a flawed interpretation of state tax law to skirt paying tens of millions of dollars in taxes annually for an unknown number of years.

Publisher: Honolulu Civil Beat
Date: 2021-11-11T10:01:01 00:00
Author: https www facebook com StewartYertonCB
Twitter: @civilbeat
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Nicholas Goldberg: Why shouldn't the super-rich pay higher taxes? - Los Angeles Times

There has always been a troubling gap between rich and poor in this country. But these days, it's grown worse.

Billionaires with unimaginable, unspendable fortunes go full years without paying any federal income taxes at all. Meanwhile, ordinary workers' wages have been stagnant for decades, and poor people are sleeping in miserable tent encampments on city streets.

Publisher: Los Angeles Times
Date: 2021-11-12T11:00:26.002
Author: https www latimes com people nicholas goldberg
Twitter: @latimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

2022 Tax Brackets: How Record-Breaking Inflation Will Affect Your Taxes - Crossroads Today

The federal agency announced Wednesday that it's adjusting the standard deduction, income tax rates and dozens of other tax provisions for 2022.

Because of the way tax filing years work, the changes affect the tax returns most Americans will submit in spring 2023. (The IRS issues these adjustments every fall, so the announcement is normal even though current inflation rates are certainly not.)

Publisher: Crossroads Today
Date: 2021-11-13T05:05:52 00:00
Twitter: @CrossroadsToday
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Child Tax Credit Recipients: How To Prepare Your Taxes for 2022 According to IRS Guidelines

For those who do not pay taxes and/or do not make enough money to pay taxes, this will likely not apply to you, and you will not have to do anything further for either this year or next year's taxes.

CTC payments were determined this year using 2019 or 2020 tax returns (again, for those who pay taxes). During the 2-3 year timespan between then and next year at tax time, however, it's possible that your income may have changed, and that you now surpass the income threshold to receive the CTC.

Twitter: @Yahoo
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Health, Taxes and Savings - Government Executive

We're one week into the 2021 federal benefits open season , but you still have plenty of time—until Dec. 13—to make changes to your health plan choices.

One choice that's growing in popularity in the Federal Employees Health Benefits program is high deductible health plans, which have been available through FEHB since 2005. Some participants in HDHPs can establish health savings accounts to pay for medical expenses.

Publisher: Government Executive
Date: 2021-11-11T20:00:00 00:00
Author: Tammy Flanagan
Twitter: @govexec
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Congressman Webster misrepresents proposal to raise taxes on the ultra wealthy -

Congressman Webster makes a generalized statement that Democrats want to raise taxes on “unrealized capital gains." The reality is that the Democrats want to raise taxes on “interest carry forwards” used by hedge fund managers to transfer income into the future.

Publisher: Villages-News: News, photos, events in The Villages, Florida
Date: 2021-11-12T19:00:46 00:00
Twitter: @Villages_News
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Wisconsin taxes as share of income dropped more than most states over past 20 years | Local

In 1999, state and local governments in Wisconsin took in $17.4 billion from taxpayers, or about 12.2% of total personal income — the fourth-highest percentage in the country.

That 1.87 percentage point drop was the biggest decrease in the nation over the 20-year span, according to the forum.

Author: Mitchell Schmidt Wisconsin State Journal
Twitter: @WiStateJournal
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Column: State sending windfall from taxes on cannabis to help people in south suburbs - Chicago

"These funds have been really timely for doing work in communities of disinvestment," said Pam Terrell, executive director of Metropolitan Family Services Southwest.

The state awarded the agency $1.1 million in January to expand programs serving Harvey, Riverdale, Dolton, Blue Island, Robbins and other communities. The grant was among $31.5 million awarded to 80 organizations in the inaugural round of funding through the Restore, Reinvest and Renew program.

Date: AAC9C18F70AC386BC4DCF4DDF9BF1786
Author: Ted Slowik
Twitter: @chicagotribune
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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