Friday, November 5, 2021

Economics faculty member tapped to serve on accreditation board in Albania | Penn State University

MIDDLETOWN, Pa. – Indrit Hoxha, associate professor of economics in Penn State Harrisburg's School of Business Administration , has been selected to serve on the Accreditation Board of Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education in his home country of Albania.

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Stuart Edits Book on Economics Across Libraries, Archives, and Museums | The University of

Lorraine A. Stuart, associate professor and head of Special Collection in University Libraries at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) is the primary editor of the upcoming publication   Economic Considerations for Libraries, Archives, and Museums.

The book covers the five most important areas in the development and sustainability of collaborative LAM projects: the digital environment; collaborative models; education; funding issues; and alternate sources of funding.

Date: November 04 2021
Author: David Tisdale
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Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Twitter: @FinancialTimes
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IGBA Describes Competitive Economics of Biosimilars Industry

Kicking off Global Biosimilars Week, the International Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (IGBA) released a blueprint detailing hurdles and opportunities for industry progress.

As biosimilars become more prevalent in countries across the globe, one question arises: Are the savings from these often lower-cost agents benefiting the health care consumer?

Publisher: The Center For Biosimilars
Twitter: @The Center For Biosimilars
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ECA Talk: Jobs and Mobility

The pandemic has brought to light the crucial relationship between a bustling labor market and worker mobility. Movement restrictions have impeded workers to attend their regular workplaces and forced them to work from home.

Governments have implemented policies to help economic activities dependent on a mobile workforce. And all of this has happened in a context where workers change jobs more frequently, making the "mobility shock" of the pandemic even more powerful.

Publisher: World Bank
Twitter: @World Bank
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Linda Campbell: Constitutional democracy can't survive pyramid economics of capitalism |

The framers of the Constitution, which replaced the Articles of Confederation, created the first codified democracy of a country in 1789. Due to the Federalists' Electoral College, Thomas Jefferson demanded that an amendment process be added and the first 10, or Bill of Rights, were added.

This will prove once again that humans deserve to be controlled by others with higher power. President Abraham Lincoln's words, "In a democracy, people deserve the government they get," address that reality.

Author: Linda Campbell Other Voices
Twitter: @TheUnion
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Restorative Economics: A Values-Based Roadmap to a Just Economy - Non Profit News | Nonprofit

Oppressed people around the world have fought for freedom, liberation, and the right to self-determination for hundreds of years.

While it is hard to imagine economic models beyond present-day capitalism, it is becoming clearer that our current economic system is deepening the chasm between the haves and have nots at the expense of communities on the frontlines of climate justice, economic disinvestment, and

Publisher: Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
Date: 2021-11-03T09:47:50-05:00
Author: Aine Creedon
Twitter: @npquarterly
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Energy, economics, investment expert earns GEMS alumni award | Penn State University

Peter Rigby, a 1979 Penn State graduate in petroleum and natural gas engineering, was awarded the 2021 Graduates of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (GEMS) Alumni Achievement Award and accepted the award in September at the college's Obelisk Society dinner .

The GEMS Alumni Achievement Award is given annually by GEMS, the college's alumni society, to recognize outstanding achievement by EMS alumni. All alumni of EMS are eligible to receive this award.

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