Friday, November 26, 2021

Why Every Entrepreneur Should Study the Austrian School of Economics

Modern economics is a theory of the economy that leaves no place for the entrepreneur. So where should entrepreneurs turn to improve their understanding? The Austrian school of economics might be the answer.

Over 50 years ago, economist William Baumol noted that economics was a theory of the economy that left no place for entrepreneurship. Economic models, simply put, were "entrepreneur-less." Economics is no better today; in fact, it's arguably worse.

Publisher: Entrepreneur
Author: Per Bylund
Twitter: @Entrepreneur
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Saving economics from itself: Why economists need to be more humble

The runaway power of global financial markets is now widely seen as a distorting force that deepens inequality and gives capitalism a bad name. What was the role of economists in sustaining 'Frankenfinance', many ask.

Why Jinnah is irrelevant: Uttar Pradesh politics needs a modern vocabulary away from competitive communalism

Publisher: Times of India Blog
Date: 2021-11-27T02:10:28 05:30
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

What is the Future of Economics?

Economics is concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It examines how individuals, businesses, governments,  and other institutions distribute and allocate resources.

In other words, economics isn't just about money. It's also interested in human behavior and people's choices. Traditional economics supposes individuals make economic decisions rationally; they choose the option offering the most value.

Date: 2021-11-25
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Bob Foley: Debt, economics and term limits | Columns |

An old USMC habit has me continuing to jog a few times a week. Early morning November air gets you thinking and this week in the brisk temperatures I got to thinking about debt and economics.

Personally my debt is small. Today, maybe a couple of hundred dollars for seasonal pseudo essentials. A trip to the grocery store to buy a turkey, a stop at the liquor store for some necessary bourbon, a couple of gadget items from Amazon. But I have a repayment plan.

Publisher: The Sun Chronicle
Twitter: @TheSunChronicle
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The economics of COP26: How to mobilize $1 trillion needed to meet net zero target | The Manila

COP26 did not unveil a treaty on par with the 2015 Paris Agreement but exhorted countries to take steps to keep global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius until the end of the century.

The Glasgow Climate Pact put in place measures for countries to enhance their climate targets next year and phase down coal power; and it resolved key rules of the Paris Agreement.

Publisher: The Manila Times
Date: 2021-11-27 00:00:00
Author: Venkatachalam Anbumozhi
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Sidus Heroes CEO Dan Khomenko Talks About the Economics of Play-to-Earn Blockchain Games, NFTs

Dan Khomenko is the co-founder and CEO of SIDUS HEROES . He recently joined the News Podcast to talk about the game:

Before getting into blockchain gaming, Dan Khomenko worked in FinTech, banking, property development, blockchain and crypto. Dan has co-founded one of the biggest blockchain software development companies and consulted over 500 projects, many of which have now reached the Top 200 on

Publisher: Bitcoin News
Date: 2021-11-26T12:00:54 00:00
Twitter: @BTCTN
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Chapman Economics Expert Predicts Cheery Holiday Shopping Season | KFI AM 640

SANTA ANA (CNS) - Orange County retailers have a lot to look forward to as the holiday shopping season kicks off with Black Friday, but there are some red flags, too, according to a Chapman University professor.

``COVID is still keeping us busy in one way or another,'' Raymond Sfeir, director of the A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research at Chapman University, told City News Service.

Publisher: KFI AM 640
Date: E98E323249F89ACF6294F958692E230B
Author: City News Service
Twitter: @KFIAM640
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

'Y' is it gone?

Q: I was shocked to hear that the FX on Hulu series “Y: The Last Man” was abruptly canceled! What happened?? I was enjoying the show, and looking forward to more episodes and seasons! Is there hope another streaming channel will pick this up? It cannot just leave off with episode 10!

Publisher: Albuquerque Journal
Date: 2021-11-25T07:02:22 00:00
Author: Rich Heldenfels TV Q A
Twitter: @abqjournal
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

An order that looks beyond just economics, prioritises humans | Latest News India - Hindustan

As the Covid-19 virus ebbs and wanes, post-pandemic realities are beginning to emerge. They underline a growing set of understandings and arrangements that form the basis of an emerging world order.

Empirically speaking, downturns are followed by recovery. The Indian economy is beginning to bounce back with economic output and activity surging. A vaccination campaign of unprecedented scope and complexity has improved health security and reduced vulnerabilities in record time.

Publisher: Hindustan Times
Date: 2021-11-26T05:27:52 05:30
Twitter: @httweets
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

TD Economics answers the questions on investors' minds

TD Economics – the specialist research arm of Canada’s Toronto-Dominion Bank – answers a range of questions that investors have raised about recent issues in business news.

Economic growth has generally disappointed while inflation has shown more heat. In the third quarter of 2021, US real gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated to have grown by an annualised 2.0%, 1.4 percentage points lower than expected in September.

Twitter: @capitalcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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