Wednesday, September 1, 2021

USPS has shorted some workers’ pay for years, CPI finds - ABC News

At the end of her shift that January day, Campos filled out her time sheet. Then she took a picture of it — for proof.

"I knew what was going to happen," said Campos, who delivers mail in Midland, Texas, "because it happens every pay period."

Two weeks later, when she checked her paystub in the payroll system, she said she was missing six hours of overtime pay. That added up to about $201 in lost wages — a week's worth of groceries.

Publisher: ABC News
Date: 2021-08-31T17:04:02Z
Author: ABC News
Twitter: @ABC
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Denton County Sheriff's Office requests pay adjustment for detention officers amid 'crisis' |

Denton County Sheriff Tracy Murphree on Tuesday told commissioners that a temporary overtime pay adjustment might incentivize more jail staff to volunteer for overtime and might help with morale.

Denton County has approved an emergency temporary increase in overtime pay for its detention officers in an effort to avoid losing staff amid what Sheriff Tracy Murphree described as a "crisis."

Publisher: Star Local
Author: Audrey Henvey ahenvey starlocalmedia com
Twitter: @SLMCarrollton
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5 Steps Calif. Employers Should Take To Manage Bonus Pay - Law360

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ByteDance Workers Take a 20% Pay Hit as Sunday Overtime Ends - Caixin Global

When employees are required to work Sundays, they can collect double pay for the extra workday. Employees at ByteDance's research and development department previously could make 6,000 yuan ($930) a day in overtime pay, an employee who recently bought housing in Beijing told Caixin.

The absolute value of pay loss varies by position because of base salary differences, but most employees are taking about a 20% hit, multiple employees estimated. Some ByteDance employees said on social media that they worried that they will be left with the same workload but less pay.

Twitter: @caixinglobal
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USPS has shorted some workers' pay for years, CPI finds - Las Vegas Sun Newspaper

Nancy Campos' back ached as she loaded more than 100 Amazon packages onto her truck. The 59-year-old grandmother, a mail carrier for the U.S. Postal Service, had worked 13 days in a row without a lunch break, and now she was delivering on the Martin Luther King Jr.

At the end of her shift that January day, Campos filled out her time sheet. Then she took a picture of it — for proof.

Publisher: Las Vegas Sun
Date: 2021-09-01T07:05
Twitter: @LasVegasSun
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Some MTW staff want answers on overtime, pay cuts – NationNews Barbados —

Some MTW staff gathered outside the compound at The Pine on Monday. (Picture by Reco Moore)

Heavy equipment operators, the 'BarberGreene' team and other staff of the Ministry of Transport and Works (MTW) who are on the Murphy's Pasture flood mitigation project, say they have been short-changed, and want answers.

Date: 2021-08-30T19:16:34 00:00
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'996' — China's 12-Hour, 6-Day Work Schedule — Is Ruled Illegal : NPR

Commuters wait in line for public buses as they leave work in Beijing's business district on Aug. 27. China's Supreme People's Court has ruled that it's illegal for companies to subject employees to the practice known as "996," or working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. six days a week.

Workers in China have earned a victory over employers' onerous work schedules, as the Supreme People's Court says a common schedule that requires people to work 12 hours a day for six days a week is illegal.

Date: 2021-08-30
Twitter: @NPR
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3rd Circ. Challenges FLSA Exception For Deputy Coroners - Law360

In the legal profession, information is the key to success. You have to know what's happening with clients, competitors, practice areas, and industries. Law360 provides the intelligence you need to remain an expert and beat the competition.

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City to pay $3.45 million to settle unfair labor practices lawsuit by police union | Baltimore

The Board of Estimates will pay out $3.45 million on Wednesday to settle a class-action lawsuit filed by the Fraternal Order of Police for alleged overtime pay violations.

Some 2,425 current and former police officers will share $2.8 million in the settlement, with an additional $650,000 going to Schlachman, Belsky, Weiner & Davey, attorneys representing Lodge 3 of FOP.

Publisher: Baltimore Brew
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Rural Workers of Color Need a $15 Federal Minimum Wage - Center for American Progress

Rural workers of all genders and races stand to benefit immensely from a $15 federal minimum wage and the passage of the PRO Act , which removes several barriers to union organizing, including "right-to-work" laws .

Overall, 39.5 percent of workers in rural areas earn less than $15 an hour compared to 29.2 percent of urban workers. The average low-wage rural worker would see an hourly raise of $6.89. This adds up to $275.60 of additional income a week for a full-time worker, totaling $14,331.20 a year.

Publisher: Center for American Progress
Date: 2021-09-01T09:03:23-04:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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