Friday, September 17, 2021

How Much Money are Famous Autographs Worth?​

If you've recently scribble d your name on a screen with your finger, you know that signatures aren't what they used to be. The right signatures, however, can be worth quite a bit — either in money or in memories.

If you're thinking of starting an autograph collection, or just wondering how much your autograph collection is worth, you're going to have to do some research. And if you decide to sell your autographs, you'll have to figure out the best way to do that.

Publisher: AARP
Date: 2021-09-17
Author: John Waggoner
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

I Was Saving a Lot of Money During Lockdown. But Then It All Changed. - WSJ

Uncertain of what lay beyond the apocalypse outside my apartment, I hoarded my paychecks—including the stimulus one—only daring to spend money on necessities such as groceries, sanitizer and a new TV when mine thumbed its nose at me during week two of quarantine.

Publisher: WSJ
Date: 2021-09-17T14:00:00.000Z
Author: J J McCorvey
Twitter: @WSJ
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

So You Hired a Consultant. Here’s How to Get Your Money’s Worth.

Many leaders solicit the help of internal and external consultants, and the return on that advice depends on who’s receiving it. The author, currently an internal advisor and formerly an external consultant, reflects on the different returns leaders get for the same investment.

Giving professional advice is a big business. The global management consulting market is worth $160 billion and employs nearly a million people in the U.S. alone . But what's the return on all that advice? That depends largely on who's receiving it.

Publisher: Harvard Business Review
Date: 2021-09-17T12:15:24Z
Twitter: @harvardbiz
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Inside the Coming War Over Money and Cryptos | Barron's

The war over money is heating up: For the first time in more than a century, the dollar's supremacy is being challenged.

Date: 2021-09-17T11:51:00.000Z
Author: Daren Fonda
Twitter: @BarronsOnline
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Don't Waste Your Money: Products of Hawaii

(WHTM) — For many people in mainland United States, Hawaii is a place we dream of. That is why Kona Coffee and Hawaiian Rolls are so popular. They transport us there. But, are they really from the Aloha State?

Sorry to shatter the tropical dream, but a new report from the consumer site, , points to a lawsuit filed against the makers of King’s Hawaiian Rolls.

Publisher: ABC27
Date: 2021-09-17T23:52:02 00:00
Author: John Matarese
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Cramer's Mad Money Recap: FedEx, Costco, Nike - TheStreet

The late-September swoon is here and it's time to take evasive action, Jim Cramer warned his Mad Money viewers Friday. That means investors need to lock in gains, raise cash and even sell short to protect their positions against what is historically a rough period for stocks.

Publisher: TheStreet
Date: 2021-09-17T23:58:39Z
Author: Scott Rutt
Twitter: @thestreet
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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