Sunday, September 12, 2021

Real World Economics: Fed is limited in its ‘great power’ – Twin Cities

Aristotle said, "nature abhors a vacuum." Congress has neutered itself and cannot seem to act as the writers of the Constitution intended, so the Fed has filled the vacuums that occur, whether post-9/11, the collateralized mortgage meltdown or COVID-19.

The problem is that, despite grandiose claims by outsiders both for and against the Fed’s great power, all the central bank can primarily do is increase in the monetary base, the most fundamental measure of the money supply.

Publisher: Twin Cities
Date: 2021-09-12T14:26:49 00:00
Twitter: @pioneerpress
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Connecting math and economics - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

MATHEMATICS, often referred to as the language of nature, is arguably the most profound achievement of the human intellect. Why is math so unreasonably effective in explaining the natural world as physicist Eugene Wigner famously argued?

On the other hand, the utility of math in the social sciences has been more contested and to many it is less promising. Professor Peter Schonemann even flipped Wigner's famous idea by claiming that math has a reasonable level of ineffectiveness in the social sciences.

Publisher: DAWN.COM
Date: 2021-09-13 06:31:06
Author: https www dawn com authors 7534 sonan memon
Twitter: @dawn_com
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Finance & economics | The Economist
Publisher: The Economist
Twitter: @TheEconomist
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2021 Wayne County Fair results in Home Economics needlework, sewing

Home Economics - Counted Cross Stitch Pictures - 14 Count Fabric(max5x7) 1st - Judith Harvey, Smithville, OH 1st - Linda Prochazka, West Salem, OH 2nd - Maria Blevens, Wooster, OH

Home Economics - Counted Cross Stitch Pictures - 28 Count Fabric or Linen(9x12) 3rd - Pat Schaffter, Seville, OH

Publisher: The Daily Record
Author: Results provided by Wayne County Fair
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The economics of gas stations

With gas prices climbing up, you may think station owners are getting greedy. But the economics behind the pump tell a different story. by Zachary Crockett.

In a rough and tumble 2020, gas stations in the US still managed to sell 123B gallons of fuel — enough to fill 187k Olympic-size swimming pools.

Publisher: The Hustle
Date: 2021-09-12T00:00:00 00:00
Author: The Hustle
Twitter: @hustlecon
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Become an FT subscriber to read | Financial Times
Twitter: @FinancialTimes
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Economics & Emissions: Masters Of War Edition | CleanTechnica

Warfare is deeply embedded in the human psyche.

We celebrate war in songs and pageantry, but it’s not all fun and games. Liam Clancy warns , “Come all you young rebels and list while I sing, for the love of one’s country is a terrible thing.

On the eve of John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, outgoing president Dwight Eisenhower gave a farewell address to the nation. It went largely unnoticed at the time, but has become one of the most important speeches ever given by an American president.

Publisher: CleanTechnica
Date: 2021-09-11T07:00:59 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

A perfect storm for container shipping | The Economist

A GIANT SHIP wedged across the Suez canal, record-breaking shipping rates, armadas of vessels waiting outside ports, covid-induced shutdowns: the business of container shipping has rarely been as dramatic as it has in 2021.

In response, some companies are resorting to desperate measures. Peloton, a maker of pricey exercise bikes, is switching to air freight.

Publisher: The Economist
Twitter: @TheEconomist
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Economics Of The Taliban Takeover – Analysis – Eurasia Review

Parallelly, the subsequent Afghan governments had also  failed  to sustain their economic growth. As a result, over  80 percent  of the Afghanistan governments' public expenditure was continued to be covered by international aid.

Source:   Brookings Afghanistan Index ,  SIPRI ,  USAID and OECD . 

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Commissioners question direction of county COVID-19 economic recovery plan | Economics |
Publisher: goSkagit
Twitter: @goskagit
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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