Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Take KARE of Your Money: 1 in 10 Americans have missing money, here's how to claim yours |

1 in 10 Americans has unclaimed money, from missing bank accounts and paychecks, or money they never knew they had.

Literally billions of dollars a year goes missing in the United States, and finding it is as easy as searching your name online.

That money can come from a variety of sources, from bank accounts, security deposits, or even unclaimed paychecks that people have lost track of.

Publisher: kare11.com
Date: 9:54 PM CDT September 21 2021
Twitter: @KARE11
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Millennial Money: 5 steps to level up your side hustle | WTOP

People normally tied to a desk or working double shifts used lockdown to launch side hustles, often out of necessity. And some have turned those side gigs into full-fledged businesses.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 427,842 new business applications were filed in August 2021 alone. That figure was 288, 026 in August 2019.

Publisher: WTOP
Date: 2021-09-21T11:00 00:00
Author: News Traffic Weather
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House Democrats remove money for Israel's Iron Dome system in funding bill - ABC News

While Democratic leaders committed to approving the funding by year's end in another must-pass bill, the holdup was the latest episode in an ongoing intraparty debate over support for Israel.

Republicans quickly took to social media to accuse Democrats of undermining Israel's security. They also planned a procedural vote to highlight Democrats' divisions -- which was rejected -- even as they had planned to vote against the initial measure when it included Iron Dome funding.

Publisher: ABC News
Date: 2021-09-22T02:06:47Z
Author: ABC News
Twitter: @ABC
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7 Old Money Practices That Are Going Extinct | GOBankingRates

The internet and technology, in general, have revolutionized our relationship with money. We don’t always think about it, but the way we interact with money has changed dramatically over the past few decades.

Read: All You Need To Know About Collecting Social Security While Still Working
Find Out More: The Biggest Problems Facing Social Security

Publisher: GOBankingRates
Date: 2021-09-21T04:00:21Z
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Apopka custodian used as 'Money Mule' to transfer $3.1M to Nigerian police barracks

APOPKA, Fla. – The U.S. Secret Service has uncovered a multi-million dollar scheme that used a young Apopka janitor as a "money mule" to transfer cash, money orders and unemployment benefits to a Nigerian police barracks over the last six years.

"He admitted that they pledged their undying love," Fuentes said. "He believed this woman cared for him."

Publisher: WKMG
Date: 2021-09-21T21:49:55.909Z
Author: Mike Holfeld
Twitter: @WKMG
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

'Waste of money': Canadians lament C$612 million election that changed little | Reuters

A special ballot officer counts ballots from national, international, Canadian Forces and incarcerated electors that were received by mail during the federal election in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, September 20, 2021. REUTERS/Patrick Doyle

WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Canadians woke up to a virtually unchanged political landscape on Tuesday after an expensivepandemic election they did not want, with many venting their fury at the C$612 million ($477.60 million) cost.

Publisher: Reuters
Date: 2021-09-21T18:45:14Z
Author: Rod Nickel
Twitter: @Reuters
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How Eco-Friendly Travel Can Save You Money in 2021

If you're a traveler, you probably know that travel isn't very good for the planet. It typically increases carbon emissions, as well as plastic and water waste. It can even be harmful to the communities and ecosystems you visit.

Flying is one of the worst ways to travel -- at least, as far as carbon emissions are concerned. According to Vox, a one-way flight from New York to London emits one ton of carbon dioxide per passenger.

Twitter: @Yahoo
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Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Is moving in your future? Try these money-saving tips | WGME
Publisher: WGME
Date: 2021-09-21T13:09:24 00:00
Author: WGME
Twitter: @wgme
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Our Backwards Infrastructure Process Wastes Money | National Review

When funding infrastructure, federal elected officials do not start by asking, “What projects need to be done?” Instead, they ask, “How much money should we spend?”

Then, through a process that amounts to little more than a parlor game , they decide on a giant number — say, 550 billion. They put a dollar sign in front of it and divvy it up in legislative text. ( You Are Here .

Publisher: National Review
Date: 2021-09-21T20:21:01 00:00
Author: Dominic Pino
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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