Friday, September 24, 2021

Pelham City Council approves raise in taxes | WFXL

Pelham City Council approves raise in taxes | WFXL
Publisher: WFXL
Date: 2021-09-24T01:03:02 00:00
Author: Cheyanne Walker
Twitter: @
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Media Roundtable: ProPublica Exposes How The Wealthiest Avoid Paying Taxes | KALW

On this week's media roundtable, we're discussing Propublica's major investigation that reveals how the richest 25 Americans pay a tiny fraction of their wealth in taxes and how much the ultrawealthy gained by shaping the Trump tax cuts.

Publisher: KALW
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

In Push to Tax the Rich, White House Spotlights Billionaires - The New York Times

WASHINGTON — President Biden is leaning into his push to increase taxes on the rich as he seeks to unify Democrats in the House and Senate behind a $3.5 trillion bill that would expand federal efforts to fight climate change, reduce the cost of child care, expand educational access, reduce

Date: 2021-09-23T09:00:15.000Z
Twitter: @nytimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Chicago aldermen question mayor's plan to raise taxes - Chicago Tribune

Mayor Lori Lightfoot's plan to increase property taxes and her reliance on one-time federal money to fund community programs took center stage Friday as aldermen met to consider her proposed 2022 budget.

City Council budget hearings kicked off, and North Side Ald. Harry Osterman quickly asked Lightfoot's finance team whether it's appropriate to exercise the city's ability to boost taxes next year on homeowners.

Date: AAC9C18F70AC386BC4DCF4DDF9BF1786
Author: John Byrne
Twitter: @chicagotribune
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

PolitiFact | Yes, Republicans curbed Evers' plan to raise taxes by $1 billion and inserted the

Misinformation isn't going away just because it's a new year. Support trusted, factual information with a tax deductible contribution to PolitiFact.

Gov. Tony Evers said in November 2018 he wouldn't raise any taxes. But the budget he unveiled here on Feb. 28, 2019, included $1 billion in tax increases. Photo by Steve Apps/Wisconsin State Journal via AP

Publisher: @politifact
Twitter: @PolitiFact
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Minnesota counties receive $36.3 million in Payment in Lieu of Taxes in 2021 : Sep 23, 2021 |

As we approach National Public Lands Day on Sept. 25, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is highlighting this important contribution of public lands to the state's economy.

Each year, the state's Department of Revenue distributes annual payments for Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT), a property tax relief program that offsets tax revenues not collected on public lands.

Publisher: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Date: 82EF45F5DF2089463CEE911FF4671E4B
Twitter: @MnDNR
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

New Duluth budget plan: Increase property taxes for public safety spending -

DULUTH – City leaders are proposing up to 15% raises for police officers, bigger training budgets for police and firefighters and permanent funding for a community crisis response team paid for with a much bigger property tax hike than the one presented earlier this month.

"One of our top priorities is public safety," said Duluth City Council President Renee Van Nett. "Today we're going to go beyond saying those things … and we're actually going to put things into action and into motion."

Publisher: Star Tribune
Twitter: @StarTribune
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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