Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Carbon Tax Checklist | McDermott Will & Emery - JDSupra

Many stakeholders have called for the United States to adopt a carbon tax. Such a tax could raise billions of dollars in annual revenue while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Several carbon tax proposals were introduced in the last Congress (2019-2020 term), and it is likely that several more will be introduced in the new Congress. Several conservative economists have endorsed the idea, as has Janet Yellen, President Biden’s Secretary of the Treasury.

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The point of a carbon tax is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by imposing a price on those emissions. But there is more than one way to impose that price. Critically, the range of options depends, to a very large degree, on the type of greenhouse gas the tax is trying to address.

Publisher: JD Supra
Twitter: @jdsupra
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

And here's another article:

Hearing Scheduled On Proposed Corporate Income Tax Regulations – Los Alamos Reporter

The New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department will hold a public hearing Feb. 25 on proposed regulations related to the Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Act and the Uniform Division of Income for Tax Purposes Act.

The proposed rules are intended to accompany changes to the tax code enacted in 2019.  The changes eliminated separate entity reporting for C Corporations and made unitary combined reporting the default filing method for such corporations.

Publisher: Los Alamos Reporter
Date: 2021-02-11T02:51:38 00:00
Twitter: @wordpressdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Hearing on proposed corporate income tax rules slated for Feb. 25 » Albuquerque Journal

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Author: ABQJournal News Staff
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

AgweekTV Full Show: Tax and environmental policies, February WASDE, H-2A, Tuttle Rural Innovation

This week on AgweekTV, some farm groups express concerns about possible changes in tax and environmental policies in the Biden administration. There are some surprises in the February WASDE report. We'll have analysis. There could be good news for farmers needing foreign workers under the H-2A visa program. And one small town turns its former school into a center for rural innovation.

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Publisher: Agweek
Twitter: @Agweek
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Check out this next:

Maryland Digital Advertising Services Gross Receipts Tax

On February 12, 2021, the Maryland General Assembly overrode Governor Larry Hogan's veto of HB 732 (2020) (the Act), a bill enacting a first-of-its-kind digital advertising services tax on the annual gross receipts from the provision of digital advertising services in Maryland. The tax only applies to companies having annual gross revenues (without deduction of any expenses) from all sources of $100 million or more.

Even though the legislation says the tax is effective July 1, 2020, under the Maryland Constitution, vetoed legislation becomes effective the later of the effective date in the bill or 30 days after the veto is overridden. Based on today's veto override, the bill should become effective on or about March 14, 2021.

Publisher: The National Law Review
Date: 5493B547C0AB527FF4CF8C4D0127302A
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Tax Complexity and Transfer Pricing Blueprints, Guidelines, and Manuals

One of the stated goals of the Pillar One Blueprint (Pillar One) and the Pillar Two Blueprint (Pillar Two) is the desire of the OECD/Inclusive Framework (OECD/IF) to reduce tax complexity for both taxpayers and tax jurisdictions. Tax complexity imposes compliance costs and distorts behaviors, making the principles of a good tax system harder to achieve.

This article assesses the Blueprints in terms of one particular type of tax complexity: rule complexity, i.e., the problems faced by taxpayers when interpreting the written and unwritten tax rules (Bradford 1986, cited below). Rule complexity is generated when government documents (e.g., regulations, guidelines, manuals) are extensive and detailed, or have many interrelated and interdependent parts that overlap or interact with one another.

Twitter: @tax
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Congress Pursues Child Tax Credit and Other Relief to Help Families - The New York Times

WASHINGTON — The early weeks of the Biden administration have brought a surge of support, in the White House and across party lines in Congress, for what could be the most ambitious effort in a generation to reduce child poverty.

One such plan is a cornerstone of the legislative text that House Democrats introduced on Monday as part of what will become a sweeping bill to implement President Biden's proposed $1.9 trillion economic aid package. That text included a monthly benefit of $300 per child for those age 5 and younger — and $250 per child ages 6 to 17 — as a means of making good on Mr.

Date: 2021-02-09T00:42:23.000Z
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Letter to the Editor: STR Ordinance Would Offer Local Protections - Door County Pulse

The Sevastopol Board of Supervisors is reviewing a proposal for a Short Term Rental (STRs) Ordinance. I commend the plan committee and board of supervisors for recognizing the need for STR regulation and licensing. In the Jan. 29 Peninsula Pulse , Jonathan A. Salit addressed his concerns about STR regulations. Here's why they're necessary.

In Door County, short-term rentals have had the effect of pulling long-term rentals off the market, decreasing the availability of affordable housing and increasing the cost for potential home buyers.

Publisher: Door County Pulse
Date: 2021-02-12T21:31:15 00:00
Twitter: @penpulse
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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