Sunday, February 7, 2021

In The Financial Fine Print, A Glimpse Of Fragile Oscar Economics – Deadline

The really interesting stuff is always in the fine print, especially when it comes to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences financials.

When the latest numbers popped up in a bond disclosure statement on Christmas Eve, it was easy to brush past the footnotes. But Note 1 on Page 6, as it turns out, contains an intriguing clue about the fragile economics of the Oscar show, which historically has accounted for about 80 percent of the Academy’s income (with most of the rest coming from investments, plus a separate fund-raising campaign for the Academy Museum).

Publisher: Deadline
Date: 2021-02-06 08:30:55
Author: Michael Cieply
Twitter: @Deadline
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Dallas Fed Economics: Texas economy soft in January, but outlook optimistic for later in 2021 |

DALLAS (NEWS RELEASE) —  The following is a news release from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas:

Texas economic conditions appeared to deteriorate in January, but there is optimism about growth later this year,  according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' latest  Texas Economic Update .

"Results from the  Texas Business Outlook Surveys  show that output growth largely stalled out in January in the manufacturing and service sectors, with the indexes signaling little change in output from December," said Dallas Fed senior business economist Emily Kerr in a  video accompanying the report .

Publisher: KLBK | KAMC |
Date: 2021-02-06T15:25:31 00:00
Author: News Release Posted By Staff newsweb everythinglubbock com
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Philip Lowe is right.

T his week fairness and economics were mentioned together by the head of the Reserve Bank, and not surprisingly it annoyed the government. Given the current base rate of jobseeker, they should be embarrassed, not annoyed.

The case for raising the base rate of jobseeker is both obvious and already made – the government made it last year when it added the Covid bonus to the jobseeker payment.

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And yet that answer was enough for government backbencher Tim Wilson, who chairs the House economic committee, to say on ABC24 later that afternoon that he thought Lowe had "exceeded his mandate in offering this view" and that the governor "probably should have kept his opinion to himself".

Publisher: the Guardian
Date: 2021-02-06T21:31:24.000Z
Author: https www theguardian com profile greg jericho
Twitter: @guardian
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

City committee says economics tied into zoning improvements | News, Sports, Jobs - Williamsport

City Council’s economic revitalization committee Friday tried to see if zoning law can create more business opportunity as Williamsport tries to emerge from negative COVID-19 pandemic impacts.

David Banks, chairman of the committee, said a review of the zoning map shows mixed-use areas have been “fairly limited.”

To counter that, the council recently adopted “flex-space” allowance for buildings in commercial, light-manufacturing and heavy manufacturing zones.

Twitter: @wmsptsungazette
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

January 2021 Jobs Report: Outlook for Economic Recovery Dims - The New York Times

The American economic recovery showed new signs of stalling on Friday as government data underscored the pandemic's brutal damage to the job market.

The weak showing was tallied amid a fresh effort in Washington to provide a big infusion of aid to foster a recovery and the data will almost certainly bolster the Democrats' argument for a robust stimulus package.

"It's very clear our economy is still in trouble," President Biden said of the latest reading on the labor market.

Date: 2021-02-05T09:43:25.000Z
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

US spot PX prices breach 11-month high, producer economics improve | S&P Global Platts

Josh Pedrick, S&P Global Platts managing editor for Americas biofuels pricing, and Corey Lavinsky,...

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Platts Commodities Bulletin is a daily regional round-up of the top, most recent news, in-depth features, information on our events, and a summary of what's new on

New and Discontinued Price Symbol Alerts are issued when we launch new assessments and announce discontinued assessments.

The Holiday Schedule Alert is sent on Friday and provides information on the world's regional and national holidays impacting the publishing of our assessments, market reports and news wires over the week ahead.

Date: 2021-02-05T22:51:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Commentary: Poor information allowed to be tabled on Mary River economics | Nunatsiaq News

Report commissioned by Oceans North downplays challenges faced by Baffinland, says chamber of mines

Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.’s Mary River mine. (Photo courtesy of Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.)

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I write in reference to the Jan. 30 Nunatsiaq News story, " Despite Baffinland's claims, truck route still makes money, expert says ," discussing the findings of a report commissioned by Oceans North and prepared by a Berlin-based third-party consultant, OpenOil, that was submitted to the Nunavut Impact Review Board public registry.

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