Saturday, February 27, 2021

ABC’s ‘Home Economics’ Reveal New Look, Starring Topher Grace – Deadline

ABC released an extended first-look clip for new comedy series Home Economics during the show’s virtual TCA presentation today. The Topher Grace -fronted series premieres on April 7.

Co-writer and producer John Aboud said they were looking for the next great family sitcom that included the national conversation surrounding income inequality and thought Colton’s financially diverse family was fit for the part.

Publisher: Deadline
Date: 2021-02-26 15:21:40
Author: Brandon Choe
Twitter: @Deadline
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

North Korea's economic crisis: Last chance for denuclearization?
Publisher: Brookings
Date: 2021-02-26T21:14:40 00:00
Author: Evans J R Revere
Twitter: @BrookingsInst
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

A Return to Science: Evidence-Based Estimates of the Benefits of Reducing Climate Pollution | The

One specific tool — called the "social cost of greenhouse gases" — combines climate science and economics to help Federal agencies and the public understand the benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The metric is a range of estimates, in dollars, of the long-term damage done by one ton of greenhouse gas emissions.

The use of this metric by the U.S. Government began in the Bush Administration and was later standardized across agencies in the Obama Administration. The Obama Administration created an Interagency Working Group of technical experts across the Federal Government to develop uniform estimates, subject to extensive public comment, in order to ensure that agencies utilized the best available science and economics.

Publisher: The White House
Date: 2021-02-26T20:30:00 00:00
Author: Authored by Heather Boushey Member of the Council of Economic Advisers
Twitter: @whitehouse
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

[VIDEO] ‘Home Economics’: Season 1 of Topher Grace’s ABC Comedy | TVLine

As part of its Television Critics Association winter press tour panel Friday, released a first look at the upcoming Home Economics , a single-camera comedy about a trio of siblings who are at varying income levels.

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Grace also executive-produces the series, which is written by  Penguins of Madagascar’ s Michael Colton and John Aboud and inspired by Colton’s family.

Home Economics will premiere on Wednesday, April 7, at 8:30/7:30c. Press PLAY on the video below to get a feel for the ensemble comedy. Then hit the comments: Will you watch?

Publisher: TVLine
Date: 2021-02-26 12:00:32
Author: Kimberly Roots
Twitter: @TVLine
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Free exchange - The prices of sports cards and odd collectibles are booming, too | Finance &

T HE S&P 500 may be setting new highs, but to really take the measure of market exuberance look no further than Nyan Cat. The animated meme, encoded cryptographically into what is known as a "non-fungible token" (and which is unique and distinct from unencrypted versions of the animation that can be found with a quick internet search), was recently sold at auction for nearly $600,000. Other odd collectibles are booming too.

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Markets are not fine-tuned instruments of capital allocation. Rational traders are not always willing or able to bet against nonsensical market moves. Behavioural economists have identified a wide variety of cognitive biases that can lead investors to trade in irrational ways. People overestimate their abilities, are reluctant to realise losses even when prudence dictates that they should, and overreact to small movements in prices, to take just a few examples.

Publisher: The Economist
Twitter: @TheEconomist
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Economics drives glass recycling - AZPM

The City of Tucson now requires glass for recycling to be placed in bins, not curbside containers. Christopher Conover/AZPM

As of Feb. 1, the City of Tucson stopped curbside pick up of recycled glass, but recycling of the material continues.

Until the change, the glass Tucsonans were putting into their curbside bins was trucked to a national glass recycling company, Strategic Materials, in Phoenix. The crushed glass that the company sells to its customers stays in the region and returns to Arizona grocery store shelves quickly.

Date: feb 26 2021 8:13 a.m.
Author: Christopher Conover
Twitter: @azpmnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Happening on Twitter

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