Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The future of economics in an AI-biased world | World Economic Forum

Publisher: World Economic Forum
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Debt ceiling debate is more about politics than economics - Marketplace

The debt ceiling debate is full of contradictions. It’s real but it’s not real. It’s a problem but it’s not a problem.

The federal borrowing limit has been suspended since 2019 , following the longest-ever government shutdown . Congress missed the deadline to raise the limit before it went back into effect over the weekend.

Publisher: Marketplace
Twitter: @Marketplace
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Grace Bassekle '24 chosen for inaugural Expanding Diversity in Economics Summer Institute –

Grace Bassekle '24 is spending part of her summer at an inaugural three-week economics immersion program.

Grace Bassekle '24 is spending part of her summer at the Economics Institute hosted by the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago.

Author: News
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Biden has a better handle on economics than Trump – but there are still risks | Nouriel Roubini |

A bout half a year into Joe Biden's presidency, it is time to consider how his administration's economic doctrine compares with that of Donald Trump and previous Democratic and Republican administrations.

The paradox is that the "Biden doctrine" has more in common with Trump's policies than with those of Barack Obama's administration, in which the current president previously served.

Publisher: the Guardian
Date: 2021-08-03T11:21:50.000Z
Author: https www theguardian com profile nourielroubini
Twitter: @guardian
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Forbearance Participation Declines as Programs' End Nears – Liberty Street Economics

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Center for Microeconomic Data today released its Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit for the second quarter of 2021.

This analysis, as well as the Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit are based on the New York Fed's Consumer Credit Panel (CCP) , a 5 percent representative sample of consumer credit reports from Equifax, which we have used for monitoring the health of the household balance sheet and

Publisher: Liberty Street Economics
Date: 2021-08-03T15:00:00 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Economics of Social Unrest - IMF F&D

A key challenge when researching social unrest—defined as protests, riots, and other forms of civil disorder and conflict—is identifying when such events have occurred. Although sources of information are available, many are sporadic or are inconsistent in their coverage.

Date: 2021-08-02
Twitter: @https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2021/08/economics-of-social-unrest-imf-barrett-chen.htm
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Whitson's 95-county trip provides new outlook on state infrastructure, economics | Communities |

The Republican Primary is on May 3, 2022, and candidates are already beginning to announce their candidacy.

Robert Frost may have avoided some traffic, but state Rep. Sam Whitson had a different objective: to take the roads most traveled by and fix them.

Publisher: Williamson Herald
Author: Tori Keafer Associate Editor
Twitter: @http://twitter.com/wherald/
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Geographic diversity of economics journals editorial boards | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal

Editorial boards of leading economics journals show high institutional concentration and modest geographic diversity

The underrepresentation of some groups in academic economics is a source of concern, with most attention focused on the lack of racial and gender diversity.

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

“Talking Trade” with Menzie Chinn, professor of public affairs and economics |

In the latest episode of "Talking Trade," hosts Ian Coxhead and Sandi Siegel connect with Menzie Chinn, professor of public affairs and economics with UW-Madison’s Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs.

Their discussion highlights the impact of shifting U.S.-China relations on international trade, including investment and competition in technology production.

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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