Tuesday, August 17, 2021

For smartphone makers, security is a matter of economics -- GCN

The Pegasus Project , a recent reporting effort to go behind the scenes of NSO Group's infamous mobile spyware, has opened many peoples' eyes to the potential for smartphones to be compromised and weaponized against their users.

To understand why smartphone makers provide adequate security for the majority of users but struggle to contain the latest and greatest threats facing government users and other high-risk individuals at the hands of nation-state actors and cyber-arms dealers like NSO Group, it's important to

Publisher: GCN
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UChicago summer program aims to foster diversity in field of economics | University of Chicago

As a first-generation Mexican American college student, Karen Gracia says the intersection of economics and immigration is an issue "near and dear to her heart."

Despite her curiosity, Gracia said she can be shy. However, after a recent virtual lecture by New York Times economics reporter Eduardo Porter hosted by the University of Chicago, she asked a nuanced question in Spanish that drew applause from other students.

Publisher: University of Chicago News
Twitter: @UChicago
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Economics - Liability of Managing Property: Zoom program Sept. 17 - North Texas e-News

Agriculture Awareness - Education
Dallas & Tarrant counties
Economics - Liability of Managing Property

Dr. Blake Bennett, Associate Professor & Extension Economist/Management will be presenting a program addressing economics and liability issues for agricultural landowners/managers.

Publisher: North Texas e-News
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Become an FT subscriber to read | Financial Times
Twitter: @FinancialTimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Opinion | The Bad Economics of Fossil Fuel Defenders - The New York Times

Global warming is fake news. Anyway, it isn't man-made. And doing anything about it would destroy the economy.

Opponents of action against climate change have always relied on multiple lines of defense: If one argument for doing nothing becomes unsustainable, they just retreat to another.

Date: 2021-08-16T23:00:06.000Z
Twitter: @nytimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Paul Krugman: The bad economics of fossil fuel defenders | Columnists | berkshireeagle.com

Global warming is fake news. Anyway, it isn't man-made. And doing anything about it would destroy the economy.

Opponents of action against climate change have always relied on multiple lines of defense: If one argument for doing nothing becomes unsustainable, they just retreat to another.

Publisher: The Berkshire Eagle
Author: Paul Krugman
Twitter: @berkshireeagle
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Will moving orthopedic procedures to freestanding facilities impact health care economics?

Thomas W. (Quin) Throckmorton, MD, is a professor of shoulder and elbow surgery in the department of orthopedic surgery at the University of Tennessee-Campbell Clinic in Germantown, Tennessee.

Moving orthopedic procedures, especially TJA and spine procedures, will have a significant impact on, not only health care economics, but on outcomes and patient satisfaction. The evidence regarding TJA is especially compelling.

Publisher: healiotwo
Date: 2021-08-16T12:21:27Z
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

230 Union Student-Athletes Named to 2020-21 Dean's List - Union College Athletics
Publisher: Union College Athletics
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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