Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Indonesian businesses ramp up cybersecurity budget amid rampant attacks - Business - The Jakarta

Indonesian companies plan to increase their cybersecurity budget this year amid the high number of cyberattacks during the pandemic, signalling a growing awareness and commitment in digital safety, a survey by a cybersecurity company shows.

US-based Palo Alto Networks stated that, based on the firm’s survey in February, around 84 percent of Indonesian companies planned to raise their IT budget this year, 44 percent of which would allocate more than half of their IT budget to cybersecurity investment.

Publisher: The Jakarta Post
Author: The Jakarta Post
Twitter: @jakpost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

Marilyn Mosby answers few questions about her travel company | Baltimore Brew

Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby has taken to social media to defend her out-of-town trips, calling coverage of them unfair, while declining to answer many questions about the travel company she incorporated last year.

One of her Facebook comments reads in part, "I have NOTHING to hide. I answered EVERY question which is why they're reporting on the data 'I' provided." Another says, "Please don't be dooped by media with an agenda." (She later noted the correct spelling is "duped.")

Publisher: Baltimore Brew
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How and where to fight for your marketing budget

Though digital marketers felt pressure before to justify their marketing spend, this is a whole new ballgame. Marketing is often an easy target for cost-cutting because of how frictionless it is to adjust course quickly. There's often no contract or penalty for reducing ad spending, but that doesn't mean there aren't consequences for doing so.

If you're finding yourself faced with the prospect of budget cuts, you aren't alone. The majority of businesses are facing at least some impact from the coronavirus pandemic, and 65% of CMOs are expecting "moderate to significant" budget cuts still to come, according to a report published by Gartner. Clearly, marketers will face an influx of additional budgeting discussions in the coming months.

Publisher: Search Engine Land
Date: 2020-07-22
Twitter: @sengineland
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Volunteer fire companies revenues taking a hit due to COVID-19

Fundraising is never easy for volunteer fire departments which rely on benefactors and charity events for to a sizable portion their revenue.

Throw in a global pandemic — and for the likes of York Township Fire Department, where a busted engine cost the company $78,000 to repair — and raising cash can become a legitimate concern.

"No fire company can afford a $78,000 expense," said Robb Green, vice president of the York Township Fire Department. "Unplanned expenditures like this are horrible for fire companies because we don't have a pot of money sitting there."

Publisher: York Dispatch
Author: Tina Locurto
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

3 Signs You're Misappropriating Your Brand's Marketing Budget

With any investment, you have to assess several economic factors before making a decision to pursue it. The same is true with an investment in search engine optimization (SEO). However, research we commissioned from Forrester Consulting shows that nearly 70% of brands lack the comprehensive toolset required to understand and accurately quantify the impact of SEO, therefore, deprioritizing it as part of their marketing strategy or rendering SEO a non-starter.

Consequently, 56% of brands continue to prioritize paid search over SEO – a fundamentally flawed strategy. Here are three major signs that your marketing budget is misaligned.

Publisher: Multichannel Merchant
Date: 2020-07-22T11:19:35-04:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Tulsa County begins CARES funding for small businesses | KTUL
Publisher: KTUL
Date: 2020-07-21T22:20:26 00:00
Author: Burt Mummolo KTUL Staff
Twitter: @ktulnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

BusinessWise: Proactive budget planning

Question. Our business is beginning to plan for next year's budget. While we are growing, we are concerned about the economic uncertainty. We are looking for ways to minimize costs to preserve cash yet invest in smart strategies to enhance future growth. Where do you recommend we start?

A . We commend you for taking a proactive approach to budget planning. Many begin budget planning during their fourth quarter and find themselves in a crunch for time. While there are many rewards and benefits of owning a business, it is important to manage the bottom line by reducing and maintaining overhead costs, especially with the economic uncertainty we are all facing.

Publisher: The Enquirer
Author: Tom Cooney and Crystal Faulkner
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Andrews revenues exceed expectations | News |

Mayor Frank McClary called the July Andrews Town Council meeting to order on July 16, 2020. Highlights included approval of the previous month's town council meeting minutes and a brief overview of the town's financial report ending June 30, 2020.

The pledge of allegiance and roll call followed with the mayor, the mayor protem Bradly Prince, and town council members Anderson, Altman, Flagler, Lee and Stampler, in attendance, making a forum.

Starting off the July town council meeting, Kenneth Cobb and Company CPA Mrs. Brenda Jackson gave a brief overview of the town's financial report ending June 30. She said total revenues for the year revenue collected was over what was anticipated.

Publisher: Post and Courier
Author: Barbara Gengler news southstrandnews com
Twitter: @SouthStrandNews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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