Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Apple Wins Major Tax Battle Against EU - WSJ

Apple Inc. won a major battle with the European Union when the bloc's second-highest court on Wednesday sided with the U.S. company over a €13 billion ($14.8 billion) tax bill that EU antitrust officials had said the company owed to Ireland.

Publisher: WSJ
Date: 2020-07-15T18:52:00.000Z
Author: Valentina Pop and Sam Schechner
Twitter: @WSJ
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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Monte Silver: Treasury Provides 200,000 Small Business Owners Relief in Final Regulations Issued

WASHINGTON , July 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Treasury published its much-anticipated final regulation relating to GILTI, one of the two new international tax regimes created as part of the TCJA. To the pleasure of 200,000 small business owners, the final regulations provided them with several forms of permanent regulatory relief.

The goal of GILTI was to prevent corporations like Google and Apple from avoiding US taxation by abusively shifting profits from the US to low tax countries like Cayman Islands .

Author: Monte Silver
Twitter: @PRNewswire
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Even the IRS Admits Some Crypto Tax Regulations Are 'Not Ideal' - CoinDesk

Roughly four hours into a phone call with a TurboTax representative, during which she had to sort through the company's own internal resources to answer my questions, I found out I probably didn't owe any taxes on my admittedly meager bitcoin holdings. It should have been obvious: At no point did I sell for fiat or convert into another crypto.

In reporting this article, I was also reminded I should check my Blockchain account to see if I ever received the XLM it was airdropping because that might also result in me owing taxes on crypto (I did not). Do I need to report the $15 in bitcoin I sent to a hardware wallet I can't access anymore? (I don't think so.)

Publisher: CoinDesk
Date: 2020-07-14T05:25:00 00:00
Twitter: @coindesk
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Cannabis tax rates to be decided at ballot in Calaveras County | Calaveras County's Most Trusted

Davis graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a degree in Environmental Studies. He covers environmental issues, agriculture, fire and local government. Davis spends his free time playing guitar and hiking with his dog, Penny.

Publisher: Calaveras Enterprise
Author: Davis Harper
Twitter: @Cal_Enterprise
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Louisiana Governor Approves 8% Fantasy Sports Betting Tax Rate

Louisiana's governor has approved an 8% tax rate on fantasy sports betting in about four dozen parishes that legalized it in 2018.

The competitions for online cash prizes couldn't begin until the state set the rules and tax rate.

The legislation ( H.B. 64 ) was among several tax bills pitched as coronavirus recovery measures by Louisiana's Republican-led Legislature to secure approval from Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) on Monday.

Twitter: @tax
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Carolina Beach holds off on short-term rental regulations...for now

CAROLINA BEACH, N.C. (WECT) - Plans to regulate short-term rentals in Carolina Beach are on hold for now while town staff continues to work on the proposed ordinance that didn't exactly 'jive' with state law, according to the Town Manager.

Although it has been a topic of discussion among town residents, town leaders have steered clear of the topic for years. In fact, former Mayor of Carolina Beach Joe Benson said on multiple occasions he believed the town needed to wait on guidance from state lawmakers since the topic has been one the General Assembly spent some time discussing --- but have failed to reach any consensus on yet.

Date: 2020-07-15T18:21:15.454Z
Author: Michael Praats
Twitter: @wectnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Liberty All-Star® Growth Fund, Inc. June 2020 Monthly Update

BOSTON , July 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Below is the June 2020 Monthly Update for the Liberty All-Star Growth Fund, Inc. (NYSE: ASG ).

* * *

Investment Approach:
Fund Style: All-Cap Growth
Fund Strategy: Combines three growth style investment managers, each with a distinct capitalization focus (small-, mid- and large-cap) selected and continuously monitored by the Fund's Investment Advisor.

New Holdings
Core Laboratories NV
Horizon Therapeutics plc
Inspire Medical Systems, Inc.
Union Pacific Corp.
West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.

Author: Liberty All Star Growth Fund Inc
Twitter: @PRNewswire
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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