Tuesday, June 1, 2021

New Canal Park Business Opens - Fox21Online

DULUTH, Minn. — “We kind of cater to a really special crowd,” Duluth Love Owner, Garrett Kirwan says.

The company Pandora’s Box owns about eight stores around the Midwest including one in Wisconsin Dell.

“Luckily things were able to fall together for us and we were able to pick up a couple locations,” Kirwan says.

Publisher: Fox21Online
Date: 2021-06-01T03:11:28 00:00
Twitter: @kqds_fox21
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Couple starts new business in Monticello, hopes to advance White County tourism | Business |
Publisher: Newsbug.info
Author: KELLYN HARRISON Herald Journal intern
Twitter: @thehj
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Senator Hinojosa passes Senate Bill 424 to help Small Business Owners

AUSTIN — Senate Bill 424 by Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa has passed the Texas Senate and the House of Representatives and will soon be on its way to Governor Greg Abbott's desk for his signature. The bill ensures that small businesses across the state are given the opportunity to remedy a first-time regulatory violation before an administrative penalty is imposed.

In 2020, Texas had 2.8 million small businesses representing 99.8% of businesses statewide. These businesses employ over 4.8 million Texans and cover a wide range of industries.

Publisher: Alice Echo News-Journal
Author: Robin Bradshaw
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The hard truth about business-IT alignment | CIO

IT, CIOs are frequently advised, needs to be aligned with the business, and alignment, we're told, is mostly a matter of effective IT governance.

Alignment is better than misalignment, I suppose, but in the end it's weak tea. Add overreliance on IT governance as the means for achieving it and you turn IT into a stifling, choking bureaucracy, not a more effective organization.

What's the superior alternative? Focusing your efforts on integrating IT into the business, not just aligning IT with it. That's integration, as in taking all the steps necessary for IT to be, and to be perceived as being, integral to every aspect of the enterprise.

Publisher: CIO
Date: 2021-06-01T02:00-05:00
Author: Bob Lewis
Twitter: @CIOonline
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Briefs on local business, including Framingham's Youth Internship Program, SBA's Community

Send news about your local business to MWBusiness@wickedlocal.com. We're interested in news about business people, expansions, openings and community involvement by MetroWest businesses and business people. Follow Daily News Business Editor Bob Tremblay on Twitter @Bob Tremblay_MW.

Framingham Mayor Yvonne M. Spicer's office has partnered with MassHire Metro South/West Workforce Investment Board to launch the Mayor's Youth Internship Program. The program aims to provide meaningful employment opportunities to youth (ages 14-21) that help with professional development and highlight the importance of being engaged citizens. The state-funded program is scheduled to run through August.

Publisher: MetroWest Daily News
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This New York Business Calls Cheese And Regenerative Agriculture A Winning Combo

"Regenerative farming and small-scale, grass-based cheesemaking go hand in hand. Cows, and grass-eating ruminants in general, are the ideal stewards of this system because their grazing allows the grass to re-grow several times throughout the course of the season, and their manure and urine are Mother Nature's original, and best, fertilizers."

When she started the shop in Manhattan in 2006, the conversation was primarily around making American cheese as favorable as their European counterparts. To showcase the talent and often small hidden enterprises of American cheese makers was the aim. Now Saxelby is also addressing how these micro entrepreneurs are tackling bigger challenges in America's food system.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2021-05-31
Author: Esha Chhabra
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Pleasanton council to revisit policy on 'active' business uses in ground-floor units downtown |

Staff said that "the first 25% of a ground floor tenant space, measured perpendicular to the facade fronting a designated active street, must be dedicated to an active use" to ensure businesses locate their active uses at the front, where they're more visible from the street, and "represent more than a 'token' amount."

When the DSP was last updated, staff said "there was considerable discussion among the task force and other stakeholders on the pros and cons of these policies, which ultimately sought to strike a balance between preserving ground-floor spaces along Main Street for active uses, while providing some limited exceptions intended to avoid undue hardship to property owners."

Twitter: @pleasantonnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

NIU Today | NIU business students hit the ground running with 40TUDE

"Sprint ready." That's how NIU students who are part of the 40TUDE Business team describe the work they're doing to support local businesses affected by the pandemic. During each two-week sprint, the team follows a highly structured schedule to analyze the problem a local small business is facing and implement a solution – usually in the form of a revamped website or social media plan.

"Small businesses are the heart of our community, and they were struggling when COVID hit," says Jennifer Groce, director of community promotion in the NIU Division of Outreach, Engagement and Regional Development. "NIU already had strong relationships with many local businesses and organizations and we were able to leverage these relationships to respond quickly to small business needs. The NIU College of Business and OC Creative came on board immediately to make 40TUDE a reality.

Publisher: NIU Today
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

County looks at future of North Coast Business Park | Local News | dailyastorian.com

Nicole Bales is a reporter for The Astorian, covering police, courts and county government. Contact her at 971-704-1724 or nbales@dailyastorian.com.

Publisher: The Astorian
Author: Nicole Bales The Astorian
Twitter: @DailyAstorian
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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