Sunday, June 27, 2021

Illegal Gambling Mocks The Economics Profession’s Fed Obsession

It's estimated that the net worth of the illegal gambling industry in the United States is $150 billion. Please think about this speculation. It has relevance beyond it revealing how pointless it is for politicians to try and legislate behavior, morality, or both.

So has the market for illegal mood altering substances. Does anyone want to guess what the value of that industry sector is stateside?

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2021-06-27
Author: John Tamny
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Real World Economics: Location an age-old factor in growth – Twin Cities

The phenomenon of burgeoning construction in a locality is not unique. It happens in suburbs all the time. Streets and large shopping areas spring up in long-vacant land as do hundreds of houses and apartments of various types.

Applied economic theory is evident in all of this, both bread-and-butter demand and supply, but also the economics of location. And the Green Line plays a significant role here.

Publisher: Twin Cities
Date: 2021-06-27T14:51:05 00:00
Twitter: @pioneerpress
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The History of the Rolling Suitcase Shows How Sexism Can Warp Economics

Today, rolling suitcases are the mainstays of moving sidewalks, duty-free shops, and business commuters pacing while on the phone. But while it's a no-brainer that rolling a suitcase is easier on your arms than carrying it, they're still a relatively recent addition to the mainstream.

Publisher: Business Insider
Date: 2021-06-27
Author: Juliana Kaplan
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Balancing economics with comfort | Columnists |

And we have heard plenty of engines roaring this week, as 3,000+ members of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association gather for their National Convention.

We weathered the storm better than many of our neighbors through 2020 and into 2021, but businesses that rely on groups or meetings or conventions have had a difficult time bouncing back.

Publisher: The Sheridan Press
Author: Shawn Parker Sheridan County Travel and Tourism
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Making the Economics of Ghost Kitchens and Virtual Restaurants Pay Off - Food On Demand

Sales pitches for virtual restaurants and ghost kitchens are certainly promising, but a panel of diverse restaurateurs and category experts shed some much-needed light on the real-world economics restaurant operators are seeing in these still-new industry channels.

Publisher: Food On Demand
Date: 2021-06-24T16:23:56 00:00
Twitter: @FOD_News
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

What cryptocurrency investors get wrong about economics | The National

While digital currencies have always been a highly unusual asset class, it won't stay that way forever

Just last week I argued that cryptocurrency is here to stay. Now I'd like to explain to some of my cryptocurrency friends why parts of the mainstream economics and financial world do not take them more seriously. To put it bluntly: Many of you do not understand monetary economics very well.

Publisher: The National
Date: 2021-06-28T04:00:00Z
Twitter: @TheNationalNews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Hyderabad Girl Bags Offer From London School of Economics

Aditi Vittal, a student of CBSE Class 12 at Sadhu Vaswani International School (SVIS), Kompally, has received an offer from the prestigious London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) for admission to their flagship program in economics.

Date: 658BD2BEC58D06790B07B5BC052DEAC6
Twitter: @careers360
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Dallas Fed Economics: Labor shortages, supply chain woes slow Texas recovery | KLBK | KAMC |

DALLAS (NEWS RELEASE) — The following is a news release from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas:

Texas jobs have expanded at a robust 4.0 percent year to date through May though growth moderated in April and May, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' latest  Texas Economic Update .

Publisher: KLBK | KAMC |
Date: 2021-06-26T14:15:21 00:00
Author: News Release Posted By Staff newsweb everythinglubbock com
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

On me head, son: the secret economics of footballers' hair | The Economist

A week before England's first match in the Euro 2020 tournament, Phil Foden, the team's shy midfielder, was deep in a pre-game project. Fans were treated to a glimpse of it on Instagram: the dark-haired 21-year-old was sitting wrapped in a barber's gown, half his head smeared with peroxide.

The next day Foden unveiled his transformation in full, a white platinum crop with a hairline so straight you could use it as a set square. The effect was somewhere between Paul "Gazza" Gascoigne, Newcastle United's legendary player in the 1980s, and Eminem.

Publisher: The Economist
Twitter: @TheEconomist
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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