Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

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Ribbon's Innovative 400G ZR+ Solution Changes Optical Transport Economics

"Operators now have the option to build their optical transport systems with multiple 400G lanes, increasing cost efficiencies and network flexibility over embedded optical solutions," said Jimmy Yu , Vice President, Dell'Oro Group. "This innovation is well-timed to prepare for the rise of 400GbE transport as the next dominant load being carried over optical networks."

The TM400_2 delivers 400G optical transmission using standard and interoperable CFP2 DCO (Digital Coherent Optic) pluggables, optimized for transport over CDC (Colorless Directionless Contentionless) ROADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer) networks, in either independent wavelength or dual carrier modes.

Date: 9D28F7743C790DD88F2D9C7375EF7ED5
Author: Ribbon Communications Inc
Twitter: @PRNewswire
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The Covid-19 pandemic trauma has changed economics, maybe forever | Business Standard News

For centuries, theorists have pondered the recurring and inevitable swings that make up the business cycle. According to the traditional laws of the cycle, it should’ve taken years for households to claw their way back from 2020’s sudden collapse in economic activity.

But pandemic-era policies were also shaped by regrets, which had been building for a decade, over the response to the last crisis in 2008. In hindsight, econ­om­ists have come to regard that response as lopsided and inadequate. Bank bailouts fixed the financial system, but little was done to help debt-burdened homeow­ne­rs, and household incomes were allowed to fall.

Author: Matthew Boesler Bloomberg
Twitter: @bsindia
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The Economics of Biodiversity: GDP out, Nature in! - The Manufacturer

Using Gross Domestic Product as a means of measuring success encourages "unsustainable economic growth" and is no longer fit for purpose, according to a landmark review into the Economics of Biodiversity

"While humanity has prospered immensely in recent decades" such prosperity "has come at a devastating cost to Nature." That's the stark finding of Professor Partha Dasgupta's review of The Economics of Biodiversity , commissioned by the UK government.

Publisher: The Manufacturer
Twitter: @TheManufacturer
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China's three-child policy is all about economics. Here's what you need to know - World News

The population control strategy worked well for China as it used the existing workforce to build and run factories. Over the next 20 years, China turned into a global manufacturing hub. Cheaper labour became China's core economic strength.

However, by 2000, China realised that it was heading towards a situation where its workforce (read: young, able-bodied people) would reduce considerably while the population of senior citizens would become unviable.

Publisher: India Today
Date: 2021-06-02T07:51:48 05:30
Twitter: @indiatoday
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Health Economics Issues Research Articles In May 2021 Edition – InsuranceNewsNet

HOBOKEN, New Jersey , May 1 -- Health Economics, a peer-reviewed journal that says it features health care, planning and market mechanisms, micro-economic evaluation and treatments and evaluation of health care systems, published research articles, including the following topics, in its May 2021 edition:

* How does losing health insurance affect disability claims? Evidence from the Affordable Care Act's dependent care mandate

Publisher: InsuranceNewsNet
Twitter: @InsNewsNet
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