Thursday, July 29, 2021

Recall Money Wars: What Do Newsom’s Million-Dollar Donors Want? - GV Wire - Explore. Explain.

At last count, the main committee tasked with defending the governor against the Sept. 14 recall has raised some $39 million . Another allied committee and Newsom's own 2022 campaign account, which state law allows him to draw upon this year, add another $4 million to that war chest.

Publisher: GV Wire - Explore. Explain. Expose
Date: 2021-07-29T21:53:47 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Danger In What You Think You Know About Money

When it comes to making decisions, it's tempting to think that we are always operating from a place of sound judgment. It's those other people who don't know what they are doing, right?

No one has done a better job illustrating this than Daniel Kahneman in his ubiquitous book Thinking Fast and Slow. In it, he describes the two systems of our brains: the instinct-driven system and the logical thinking system.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2021-07-29
Author: Danielle Seurkamp
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

My Sister Owes Me a Lot of Money. How Do I Get Her to Pay? - The New York Times

Let's put to one side your underlying issues with your sister. We're unlikely to fix them here. And it seems doubtful to me that further discussion with her will resolve the renovation conflict.

Go to your sister's ex and your father and tell them you spent $10,000, at your sister's request, on a bedroom suite for your nephew and that you desperately need repayment. Maybe they will pony up.

Date: 2021-07-29T13:00:03.000Z
Twitter: @nytimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The worst money we've ever spent - Vox

As it happens, the acceleration on those things is kind of finicky. I quickly lost control, fell off, and ran the scooter directly into a bus going the other direction.

At the time, though, I had an entry-level job and was not rolling in disposable income. A responsible person would've moved the appointment, but I was not responsible. I was someone who'd just binged every season and movie in the X-Files franchise to cope with a depressing break-up.

Publisher: Vox
Date: 2021-07-29T07:30:00-04:00
Author: Vox Staff
Twitter: @voxdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

NC could have free money for you – and yes, it’s legitimate |

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) – At a time when the pandemic is creating tough economic times, there is a way to get free money and it is legitimate. There may be unclaimed money be owed to you.

The North Carolina state treasurer’s office said last year, the average North Carolinian received $563 in unclaimed money.

Date: 2021-07-29T19:04:36 00:00
Author: Steve Sbraccia
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

7 steps to save money on a remodel | Home Garden |

(Family Features) Every homeowner has a defined budget he or she can allocate toward a remodeling project. Even if funds were unlimited, it's still in a homeowner's best interest to secure the best value for each dollar invested in a remodeling project, ultimately increasing the value of the home.

Publisher: Gwinnett Daily Post
Author: Family Features
Twitter: @gwinnettdaily
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Robinhood gets 'you addicted' so you 'keep spending money,' lawmaker warns

Though Robinhood's IPO marks a celebratory occasion for the company and investors, U.S. Congressman Sean Casten (D-IL), urges users and prospective investors to tread carefully.

"[Robinhood has] an economic incentive to bring in money that is as uninformed as possible and sell it to people who are sophisticated as possible and, with respect for the CFO [Jason Warnick] who's going to become very wealthy today, that's not a model that other broker-dealers are

Twitter: @Yahoo
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Where the smart money in crypto is going next: NFTs, blockchain and more | Fortune
Publisher: Fortune
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

IMF sees "critical role" as world transitions to digital money | Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund must ramp up its resources as it seeks to "monitor, advise on, and help manage this far-reaching and complex transition" to digital money, according to an IMF paper published on Thursday.

"The Fund has a critical role to play to help its members harness the benefits and manage the risks of digital money," the paper said.

Publisher: U.S.
Author: Reuters Staff
Twitter: @Reuters
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Millennial Money: A garden's lessons for growing money - Sentinel Colorado

Soil, sun, water and seed: The ingredients of a garden are simple, but the final product is never guaranteed. Willing a plot of land into a vibrant state of bloom takes intention, know-how and no small amount of trial and error.

Like many people staying at home, I spent much of the past year tending to the soil of my yard and crafting a garden oasis of my own imagination. The work wasn’t easy, and I’m sure many now-dead plants wish that I’d been a little more proficient.

Publisher: Sentinel Colorado
Date: 2021-07-28T19:05:27 00:00
Twitter: @SentinelColo
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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