Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Capital Economics Offers Lessons Learned About Pandemic Recovery

Publisher: WSJ
Date: 2021-07-20T20:59:00.000Z
Twitter: @WSJ
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Yale School of Management Announces Faculty Promotions, Retirements, and New Arrivals | Yale

The Yale School of Management has announced faculty promotions, retirements, and new appointments effective July 1.

Jason Abaluck and Joyee Deb were promoted to the rank of professor of economics. Abaluck, whose research lies at the intersection of public finance, behavioral economics, health economics, and industrial organization, joined the faculty in 2012.

Publisher: Yale School of Management
Date: 2021-07-20T12:18:00-04:00
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De-Economics: Left Abandons Economic Rigor | National Review

Economics is, after all, founded on the principle that models of firms and workers can be very useful for understanding how the world works. These models begin with the idea that resources are constrained and incentives matter.

In almost every first-year economics class across the country, it's common to begin the semester with the principles of supply and demand. If you have lots of supply, then, because incentives matter, you can still clear the market because people will buy more of the product when the price drops.

Publisher: National Review
Date: 2021-07-19T19:11:30 00:00
Author: Kevin A Hassett
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House Prices Overvalued by 10% in Richest Nations, Oxford Economics Says

(Bloomberg) -- House prices in the richest nations may be overvalued by about 10% after a decade-long boom that's one of the strongest since 1900, Oxford Economics says.

The British research firm identified the Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Germany and France as the most risky property markets, basing its findings on long-term trends and price-to-rent ratios. It estimated that values across 14 advanced economies have risen 43% in 10 years.

Twitter: @Yahoo
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Olympic Economics In A COVID-19 World

Every two years, cities from around the world submit bids to host the Olympic Games. This occurs seven years prior to the respective Olympics, with the winning city meeting extensive criteria to be selected for the prestigious honor.

On the most fundamental and basic level, city authorities must prove to the International Olympic Committee that hosting the Olympics is logistically possible. This means presenting existing stadiums, as well as designs for new ones, to host events.

Author: International Olympic Committee Japan the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Olympic the Olympic Games Olympics Japan Olympic Games the Olympics city authorities
Twitter: @Yahoo
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Investment Guru Questions The Economics Of Electric 19-Seaters - AVweb

Conditions of the agreement include "once the aircraft meet United’s safety, business, and operating requirements.” TMF wrote, “Investors (and air travelers) shouldn’t expect these aircraft to be ready by their planned 2026 entry-into-service date.

In addition to the obstacles of certifying lithium-ion batteries as safe and the almost certain delays in any certification process, TMF also notes the impending pilot shortage as an economic challenge for regional carriers.

Publisher: AVweb
Date: 2021-07-20T18:15:13 00:00
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Economics Firm Adds Former DOL Wage-Hour Chief - Law360

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Author: https www law360 com employment authority articles 1404059 economics firm adds former dol wage hour chief
Twitter: @law360
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Pay raises are higher for workers who didn't go to college: Oxford Economics

"Over the last two months, they received a median average annual pay raise of 3.7% compared to 3.3% for workers with a bachelor's degree," Bob Schwartz, Oxford Economics senior economist, wrote in a recent note to clients. "In this job market, you don't need a degree."

Twitter: @Yahoo
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Pittsfield student inducted into economics honor society - CentralMaine.com

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Saint Anselm College student Brayden Rollins of Pittsfield, a communication major in the class of 2021, has been accepted into the Gamma Chapter of Omicron Delta Epsilon, the International Honor Society for Economics, for the 2020-21 academic year.

Publisher: Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel
Date: 2021-07-21T04:00:14 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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