Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Powell teens race to raise money | Powell Tribune

The Powell teenagers have been given the Friday evening time slot at the Park County Fair for their mixed motocross …

Two years ago, Ashcraft and Hooper put together a motocross race to benefit their friend Ethan Asher, who was seriously injured in a car accident.  

Publisher: Powell Tribune
Date: Tue 27 Jul 2021 08:25:00 -0600
Author: _____
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Millennial Money: A garden's lessons for growing money | The Seattle Times

Soil, sun, water and seed: The ingredients of a garden are simple, but the final product is never guaranteed. Willing a plot of land into a vibrant state of bloom takes intention, know-how and no small amount of trial and error.

Like many people staying at home, I spent much of the past year tending to the soil of my yard and crafting a garden oasis of my own imagination. The work wasn't easy, and I'm sure many now-dead plants wish that I'd been a little more proficient.

Publisher: The Seattle Times
Date: 2021-07-27 03:43:20
Twitter: @seattletimes
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Bitcoin Is A Foundation Of Truth In Money - Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles, Charts, and

In this episode of Bitcoin Magazine’s “Meet The Taco Plebs,” I talked to the one and only Mitch Klee, a repeat contributor here at the magazine and common presence in our Twitter Spaces.

Mitch and I discussed several topics, including his inspiration for both of his Bitcoin Magazine articles. These touch on the topics of inflation, misallocation of capital, the way that commonly-cited metrics mislead in regards to these topics, and how this all relates to Bitcoin.

Publisher: Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles, Charts, and Guides
Date: 2021-07-26T20:20:38Z
Author: Casey Carrillo
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
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Making sense of digital money: Pt. 1 - Rochester BeaconRochester Beacon

Money ranks as one of the most confusing—and consequential—topics in economics. And there's a revolution afoot.

One lesson I learned as a college professor is that the best way to understand a challenging concept is to teach it to someone else. Bear with me as I learn on your dime. This week, I'm going to stick to the basics of the financial system.

Publisher: Rochester Beacon
Date: 2021-07-27T15:00:00 00:00
Twitter: @RochesterBeacon
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Pinterest rolls out new features that let creators make money from pins – TechCrunch

These pins are somewhat like Pinterest’s take on TikTok, mixed with Stories — they offer a way for creators to produce content that combines music, video and other interactive elements. The videos in Idea Pins can be up to 60 seconds per page, with up to 20 total pages per pin.

While similar in some ways to TikTok, the videos can include “detail pages” where viewers can find associated content, like the ingredient list and instructions for a recipe, or a list of how-to instructions for a craft project.

Publisher: TechCrunch
Date: 2021-07-27 06:00:36
Author: Sarah Perez
Twitter: @techcrunch
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Is It Ever OK to Spend Money You Don't Have? | Real Simple

When you're considering whether you can make a purchase that isn't covered by the money currently in your checking account (or the cash in your hand), you should first acknowledge that is what you're doing.

Part of that awareness comes from building good habits, such as creating (and sticking to) a budget so you know roughly what you spend each month. Knowing how to set up and contribute to an emergency fund is also helpful.

Publisher: Real Simple
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Capitolwire: Proposed National Opioid Settlement Creates New Harrisburg Money Pot - RCPA

HARRISBURG (July 26) – The proposed $26 billion national opioid legal settlement creates a new pot of money that could help shape state budgets for years to come.

Pennsylvania's share of the settlement announced last week by State Attorney General Josh Shapiro is anticipated at $1 billion provided in payments over a number of years.

Publisher: RCPA
Date: 2021-07-27T11:07:36 00:00
Author: Jack Phillips
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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