Saturday, July 17, 2021

Learn the advantages of Individual Coverage HRA’s

As companies re-shift their focus from survival to growth following the pandemic, many employers are placing renewed emphasis on employee health and wellbeing — and rethinking their health benefits packages in the process.

When you're a business owner, offering employer-provided health coverage is a great way to attract and retain top talent, and improve job satisfaction in the workplace. But over the years, rising healthcare costs have become a source of significant stress for employers and employees, alike.

Publisher: BizTimes - Milwaukee Business News
Date: 2021-07-16T15:09:34 00:00
Twitter: @biztimesmedia
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

AEP Ohio offers ways to save on hot summer days | People's Defender

When the temperature rises, so can electric bills. AEP Ohio, an American Electric Power (NYSE: AEP) company, is making sure its customers have the knowledge to manage both the heat and their electric bill.

• Pull the plug on devices, like phone chargers, when not in use. They still consume energy, even when turned off. As a friendly reminder, unplugging your DVR/cable box might interrupt recordings of your favorite television shows and result in a full system reboot.

Publisher: People's Defender
Date: 2021-07-14T21:15 00:00
Twitter: @peoplesdefender
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Nine Udemy courses for Nepali business students

An online learning platform, Udemy is a website with over 155,000 courses on subjects ranging from art and graphic design to public speaking and finance management

An online learning platform, Udemy  is a website with over 155,000 courses on subjects ranging from art and graphic design to public speaking and finance management. The teaching marketplace is full of video lessons you can buy at a reasonable price.

Publisher: The Annapurna Express
Author: Kumudini Pant
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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