Saturday, January 15, 2022

Tax Day 2022: These states don't require you to file a tax return - CNET

In addition to your federal tax return, most states also require you to file a state return. There are seven states with no income tax, however. They are:

Things are a bit more complicated in Tennessee and New Hampshire, which don't tax earned income. They do tax investment income (and dividends), however, so residents there may still be required to file a return.

Publisher: CNET
Author: Dori Zinn
Twitter: @CNET
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

City adapting to times, posting delinquent taxes and audit publication online rather than in

The City of Owensboro is adapting to the times. Rather than posting delinquent taxes and their audit publication in the newspaper, the City will instead make all the information available on their own website.

Due to changes in Kentucky law, the City is no longer required to spend money posting delinquent taxes and their audit publication in the Messenger-Inquirer. The move will save just more than $6,000 annually. 

Publisher: The Owensboro Times
Date: 2022-01-15T06:09:00 00:00
Twitter: @owensborotimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

See how low property taxes are in Indiana | WANE 15

(STACKER) — Ask any homeowner about expenses and they'll tell you: If you're a first-time buyer, you need to carefully calculate the total cost of owning a home before taking the plunge into homeownership.

Owning a home comes with dozens of additional costs, from mortgage payments and interest to upkeep, renovations, and household utility bills. It doesn't take long before expenses add up—especially when they come on top of potential property tax costs.

Publisher: WANE 15
Date: 2022-01-15T13:02:50 00:00
Author: Stacker
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Kelly Bullis: Getting ready to prepare taxes – home office | Serving Carson City for over 150
Twitter: @nevadaappeal
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UI Professor: Reynolds 4% flat tax rate plan lowers taxes on rich, raises it on the poor | KGAN
Publisher: KGAN
Date: 2022-01-15T00:51:43 00:00
Author: Skylar Tallal
Twitter: @iowasnewsnow
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Child tax credit: How to get the rest of your money - CNET

When you file your taxes, you'll be able to claim any child tax credit money you didn't receive in 2021 -- for instance, if you opted out of advance child tax credit payments or had a new baby later in 2021.

The IRS said it started sending out Letter 6419 to families in late December and will continue sending it through January. If you haven't received the letter yet, keep an eye on your mailbox, because you'll need it when you file your taxes this year.

Publisher: CNET
Author: Katie Teague
Twitter: @CNET
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Warrensville Heights Mayor Brad Sellers drops out of County Executive race in wake of

Warrensville Heights Mayor Brad Sellers has dropped out of the Cuyahoga County Executive in wake of reporting done by and The Plain Dealer that discovered he owed thousands in county taxes when he claimed on tax abatement application that he was debt-free.

Publisher: cleveland
Date: 2022-01-15T18:16:20.341Z
Author: kremington
Twitter: @clevelanddotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Corrado: Property Taxes Continue to Increase Under Murphy's Tenure - Insider NJ

It's bad enough the average property tax bill in New Jersey is more than $9,000, but it's far higher in many areas of the state. Senator Kristin Corrado noted it is strange the Governor is bragging that the state's worst-in-the-country property taxes have gotten worse.

Publisher: Insider NJ
Date: 2022-01-15T13:49:55 00:00
Author: Insider NJ
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How to Calculate Your DeFi, NFT, and Airdrop Taxes for 2022 - Crypto Briefing

Crypto Briefing brings you a comprehensive guide on calculating cryptocurrency tax liabilities for 2022. 

Such transactions include selling crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum for cash or other assets, receiving airdrops, crypto mining, staking, and yield farming. It’s also important to be aware of the type of tax that applies to each transaction.

Publisher: Crypto Briefing
Date: 2022-01-15T13:44:19 00:00
Twitter: @crypto_briefing
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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