Friday, September 30, 2022

Economics In Brief: Where Black Wealth Is Most Concentrated In The U.S.

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New data has emerged pinpointing where in the U.S. Black people are most prosperous.

Loudoun County's Black population is relatively small (around 8.2% of approximately 405,000 people, per U.S. Census Bureau Data).

Twitter: @NextCityOrg
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Mastercard Incorporated - Mastercard Economics Institute: Consumers prioritize experiences and ...

Mastercard Economics Institute: Shifting wallets, new consumer spending habits (Graphic: Business Wire)

The latest Mastercard Economics Institute report applies unique and high-frequency economic measurements to answer three key questions — what, where and when — consumers are shifting their spending preferences. Key findings include:

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The father of Experimental Economics visits UW

On Tuesday, Sept. 27, Vernon L. Smith, Ph.D., sat down with the incoming College of Business Dean Scott Beasuler, who recently joined the university. 

The 95-year-old doctor is considered the father of experimental economics and received a Nobel Prize in economics for his contributions in 2002. 

Date: 2022-09-30T13:21:48 00:00
Twitter: @uwbrandingiron
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Biden To Oil Industry: I Don't Understand Economics

In discussing hurricane Ian, President Biden issued a warning to the oil industry not to 'price-gouge' or take advantage or short-term problems to raise the price of oil products. "Do not – let me repeat – do not use this as an excuse to raise gasoline prices or gouge the American people.

The public sometimes seems to think that there are diabolical forces in the oil industry that gather together and decide what the oil price should be, but that they are only able to raise prices when some outside event like the Iranian Revolution or a hurricane given them "an excuse.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2022-09-30
Author: Michael Lynch
Twitter: @forbes
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Economics and ice cream – Tennessee Lookout

When he was about 5 years old, my grandson Billy was attending a baseball game when he noticed a team mother nearby enjoying an ice cream cone. Not shy, he walked up to her and asked politely "Do you share?" She looked down, smiled, said nothing and continued to lick her ice cream.

Publisher: Tennessee Lookout
Date: 2022-09-27T11:00:00 00:00
Twitter: @TNLookout
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Economics Department to move to Kunkel Hall, retain Simon name – The Lafayette

It is uncertain what the Simon Center will be used for after the relocation of the Economics Department. (Photo courtesy of Lafayette Communications)

The Economics Department is preparing for bigger and better things as Kunkel Hall undergoes renovations to become the new departmental home base.

Publisher: The Lafayette
Author: Jenny Davis
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Reform the economics and governance of water

Moreover, droughts and fires in the United States and Europe, and severe floods and droughts across India, have reduced global grain yields and food exports, highlighting the extent to which our food production depends on large, stable volumes of water.

For the first time in our history, human activities are jeopardising water at its very source. Climate change and deforestation are reshaping the monsoon season, causing ice on the Tibetan plateau to melt, and affecting freshwater supplies to more than one billion people.

Date: 2022-09-30T04:00:00 07:00
Author: Bangkok Post Public Company Limited
Twitter: @BangkokPostNews
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The False Economics of Agentless Security for Mobile - Security Boulevard

Agentless security for mobile is an approach that promises businesses protection from attack without having to add any security related software into their mobile apps. In this article we will look at the pros and cons of adopting this approach compared to alternative mechanisms.

Publisher: Security Boulevard
Author: David Stewart
Twitter: @securityblvd
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Economics Department Welcomes Four New Professors  – The Bates Student

In the 2020-2021 academic year, the economics department lost four professors , heavily impacting seniors in the major. Several 300-level courses were restructured and students were unable to complete a thesis in economics.

Coming from Miami University in Ohio, Smith looks forward to the small community at Bates and getting to know students in elements beyond the classroom, such as sports games.

Publisher: The Bates Student
Author: Eva Rodriguez
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Free Market: The History of an Idea by Jacob Soll review | Economics | The Guardian

This rich history of economic thought shows that the concept of completely unfettered trade is an extremely recent invention

Yet how surprised should we really be by these flagrant U-turns and blatant inconsistencies?

Yet Soll sets out how a much older liberalising tradition of economic thought holds almost the opposite view: that markets only produce good results when built atop a robust ethical framework.

Publisher: the Guardian
Date: 2022-09-30T06:30:31.000Z
Author: Felix Martin
Twitter: @guardian
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

System Unknown NFT Collection

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Check out the System Unknown artwork. Click here.

Earth is nice. We want it.

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NYPD Lieutenant Indicted For Billing
