Thursday, July 11, 2024

Trumponomics Would Not Be As Bad As Most Expect

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• "US-China Trade Talks End With No Deal, but Both Sides Pledge to Continue Discussions" (The New York Times, February 2020) • "UK and EU Reach Post-Brexit Trade Deal, Averting Tariffs andLK minorities" (The Guardian, December 2020) • "Japan and US Reach New Trade Agreement, Boosting Auto Exports" (Bloomberg, October 2020) • "Canada and US Reach New Trade Deal, Replacing NAFTA" (CBC News, October 2018) • "India and US Sign Trade Deal, Reducing Tariffs on Each Other's Goods" (The Hindu, December 2019) • "Mexico and US Reach Trade Deal, Preventing Tariffs on Mexican Exports" (The Washington Post, August 2018) • "Singapore and US Sign Digital Trade Agreement, Boosting E-commerce" (Channel NewsAsia... May 2020) I hope these bullet points provide you with informative news headlines on global trade and economics!

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline "Halting his charge"

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