Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Man who had $39,500 seized from him gets money returned after 2.5 years

Man who had $39,500 seized from him gets money returned after 2.5 years

Over two and a half years after Phoenix police seized $39,500 in cash from him despite never charging him with a crime , Jerry Johnson finally got his money back.

Johnson previously told The Arizona Republic he chose to travel with cash to avoid incurring fees from withdrawing it outside his usual bank and had found articles that said traveling with large amounts of cash was perfectly legal.

Publisher: The Arizona Republic
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

History of money: From fiat to crypto, explained

Money as a concept has been a cornerstone of human civilization and economic development. To start with the latter, money is a method of storing value and worth, and it also functions as a medium of exchange that allows individuals to exchange goods, services and proxies thereof. 

Publisher: Cointelegraph
Date: 2023-03-21T09:05:00 00:00
Author: Alexandra Overgaag
Twitter: @Cointelegraph
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

5 Money Saving-Hacks From Reddit and TikTok That Actually Work

While anything on social media should be taken with a grain of salt — if not also fact checked for accuracy — even financial planners agree there are some good tips to be taken from a number of these now viral money posts.

How it works: With over 420 million views, the #nospendchallenge is one of the latest trends taking over TikTok. The challenge is about abstaining from spending money on anything but bills and essentials such as groceries and fuel, and seeing how many days you can go without budging.

Publisher: Yahoo Finance
Twitter: @YahooFinance
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Minority-owned banks say depositors shouldn't worry — their money is safe | KOSU

NPR's Leila Fadel talks to National Bankers Association President and CEO Nicole Elam about the health of minority-owned banks in the U.S. following the sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.

Publisher: KOSU
Date: 2023-03-21T11:21:00
Twitter: @kosuradio
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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