Friday, January 20, 2023

Applying Economics to Societal Issues: Meet New Professor Tyler Giles | Spotlight | Wellesley ...

Tyler Giles , assistant professor of economics at Wellesley, is one of several new faculty members the College welcomed in fall 2022.

Morgan Gallegos : Your work focuses on applied microeconomics and the intersection of public finance and the economics of crime. Could you explain what that entails?

Publisher: Wellesley College
Twitter: @wellesley
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Davos 2023: Rethinking the Economics of Sustainability

Unfortunately, sustainability initiatives are often hampered by the complicated and confusing landscape of carbon monitoring and accountability. There are various stakeholders demanding numbers, shareholders, investors, government bodies, and even environmental advocates.

The model is very similar to the role that credit ratings play, according to Mattison. "We have a view, and a company has a view, and we challenge, and so this is what we're doing on sustainability as well.

Twitter: @YahooFinance
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Economics in Brief: How Restaurant Workers Funded Lobbying Against Their Interests

Restaurant and food service workers are often mandated to pay for a basic online class in food safety from a company called ServSafe – which, as the New York Times reports , is actually a fundraising branch of the National Restaurant Association.

A proposal in the Washington State legislature, introduced by formerly incarcerated lawmaker Rep. Tarra Simmons as the "Real Labor, Real Wages Act," seeks to provide the state minimum wage of $15.74 an hour to people working a job inside prisons in Washington state.

Twitter: @NextCityOrg
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

AI Passes University Level Law and Economics Exam, Professor Says

An AI which received funding from FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried passed a university-level law and economics exam, according to a professor at Virginia's George Mason University.

The AI, named Claude, was designed by AI safety and research firm Anthropic, and was used by Alex Tabarrok to take a law and economics 

Publisher: Business Insider
Date: 2023-01-19T15:02:14Z
Author: Sawdah Bhaimiya
Twitter: @sai
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

‘Home Economics’ Season 4: Will ABC Renew or Cancel the Comedy Series? | TVLine

Home Economics wrapped its regrettably abbreviated 13-episode third season on Wednesday with an earthquake-themed finale, and ABC has given zero indication whether it plans to bring the supremely underrated sitcom back for Season 4 .

TVLINE | So… was this episode  a season or a series finale?
MICHAEL COLTON |  We hope it’s a season finale. We’re optimistic. We know the network is very happy with the show. And we have a very devoted fan base.

Publisher: TVLine
Date: 2023-01-18 18:59:59
Author: Michael Ausiello
Twitter: @TVLine
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

SME Profile: Joe Nicolette, VP, Ecosystem Service Economics Montrose, Environmental Group

He was one of the co-authors of the first formalized framework for net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA), focused on site remediation and restoration, and developed a NEBA-based comparative assessment approach (NEBA-CA) that applies to both Oil & Gas and Wind infrastructure ...

Joe pioneered the ecological economics habitat equivalency analysis (HEA) methodology used in ecological service valuation before HEA became codified into NRDA and CERCLA regulations.

Publisher: Environment + Energy Leader
Twitter: @ELDaily
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Climate bill 'makes the economics work' for US offshore wind shipbuilding: Crowley exec | Recharge

Speaking exclusively to Recharge, Crowley's head of wind energy said that tax incentives included in the IRA will spur initial shipbuilding investment

The looming shortage of offshore wind vessels in the US market could be eased by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) passed last year, according to marine service pacesetter Crowley.

Publisher: Recharge | Latest renewable energy news
Date: 2023-01-18T20:24:25Z
Author: Tim Ferry 609c073d17ea1
Twitter: @rechargenews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Consumer Price Index: 2022 in review : The Economics Daily: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Consumer prices for all items rose 6.5 percent from December 2021 to December 2022. Food prices increased 10.4 percent, reflecting an 11.8-percent increase in prices for food at home and an 8.3-percent increase in prices for food away from home.

Prices for all six of the major food at home groups increased from 2021 to 2022.

Date: 2023-01-17
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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