Monday, December 23, 2024

Wayne County Commissioners Pass 2025 Budget

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Wayne County property taxes are going up by over two mills in 2025, the county commissioners announced Dec.19.

The county's millage rate will go from 3.240 mills to 3.483 mills, an annual increase of approximately $24 per $100,000 of assessed value. This is an increase of 7.5% The budget, passed unanimously, includes $1,929,551 in increased revenue in 2025.

In a statement released during the meeting, Smith commented, "Here in Wayne County, we pride ourselves in being able to doing more with less and this budget does that. We know that our residents are struggling with inflation and the increased costs in goods and while we did our best to make cuts where feasible, a very slight tax increase was still necessary."

"The challenge to provide our employees a wage level necessary for them to have a livable wage so they can continue to provide valuable and required county services to our constituents, must always be balanced against what we need to pass onto the taxpayers," Commissioner James Shook said in the statement. "With limited other funding sources available to the county other than taxes, this is a challenge we will continue to wrestle with year after year."

This increase does not apply to employees covered by union contracts, who receive the rates laid out in their agreement, County Clerk Andrew Seder said.

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