Friday, August 16, 2024

Bakery Chain Under Fire For Selling Day-old Croissants For 95p More | UK News

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Welcome to the Money blog, a hub of personal finance and consumer news/tips. Leave a comment on any of the stories we're covering in the box below - we round them up every Saturday.

Each week we feature comments from Money blog readers on the story or stories that elicited most correspondence.

Our weekend probe into the myriad reasons for pub closures in the UK prompted hundreds of comments.

Monzo has been named the best bank in the UK for customer satisfaction, according to a major survey.

More than 17,000 personal current account customers rated their bank on the quality of its services and how likely they would be to recommend to friends or family.

Digital banks made up the top three, with Monzo coming out on top, followed by Starling Bank and then Chase.

The digital banking app said topping the tables "time and time again" was not something it would "ever take for granted".

Gail's bakery chain has come under fire for repurposing unsold pastries into croissants and selling them for almost £4 the next day.

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