Thursday, October 17, 2024

Santa Rosa Ramps Up Crackdown On Illicit Massage Businesses With New Regulations Targeting...

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Santa Rosa officials and police highlighted significant progress in cracking down on illicit massage businesses during a public safety meeting Tuesday, including efforts to address suspected trafficking and a proposed overhaul of outdated city ordinances that may have allowed illicit activity to flourish.

Officials anticipate a draft of the new regulations by the end of the year. The updated statute, to include added restrictions and enforcement, is expected to go before the planning commission and City Council early next year.

While details of that operation haven't been released , Santa Rosa police on Tuesday provided more information about their surveillance of other illicit massage parlors in the city.

None of the people were cited, but police said the customers were provided educational resources on commercial sex crimes and human trafficking.

"If you're somebody that frequents massage parlors to participate in sexual acts for money, know that you're likely to be contributing to trafficking," said Lisa Diaz-McQuaid, human trafficking caseworker for Verity. "You might think it's harmless. It's really not."

Cregan said at Tuesday's meeting that investigators will continue monitoring suspected illicit massage businesses and their patrons. They are also targeting business owners who "clearly are promoting commercial sex trafficking."

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Nobel Economics Prize Awarded To Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson And James Robinson - The New York...

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They received the prize for their research into how institutions shape which countries become wealthy and prosperous — and how those structures came to exist in the first place.

The laureates delved into the world's colonial past to trace how gaps emerged between nations, arguing that countries that started out with more inclusive institutions during the colonial period tended to become more prosperous. Their pioneering use of theory and data has helped to better explain the reasons for persistent inequality between nations, according to the Nobel committee.

"Reducing the huge differences in income between countries is one of our times' greatest challenges," Jakob Svensson, chairman of the economics prize committee, said while announcing the award. Thanks to the economists' "groundbreaking research," he said, "we have a much deeper understanding of the root causes of why countries fail or succeed."

Countries with "inclusive" institutions that protected personal property rights and allowed for widespread economic participation tended to end up on a pathway to longer-term prosperity. Those that had what the researchers called "extractive" institutions — ones that helped elites to maintain control, but which gave workers little hope of sharing in the wealth — merely provided short-term gains for the people in power.

"Rather than asking whether colonialism is good or bad, we note that different colonial strategies have led to different institutional patterns that have persisted over time," Dr. Acemoglu said during a news conference after the prize was announced.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Here's What Corpus Christi Voters Need To Know About Sales Taxes On The Ballot

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Correction: Corpus Christi voters last considered changes to sales taxes last year. A previous version of this story misstated when sales taxes last appeared on the ballot.

How the city uses two voter-approved sales taxes will be back on the ballot next week — meaning residents can again choose whether to continue the sales taxes under their proposed new purposes.

Proposition E and Proposition F request that voters reauthorize the two existing sales taxes and reallocate the revenue for a spread of projects in the downtown area, citywide flood mitigation and work on certain types of streets.

If approved, Proposition E and Proposition F would be in effect for 20 years, according to ballot language.

City officials estimate each sales tax would garner about $200 million over the term, a city-published informational booklet shows.

Because Proposition E and Proposition F are separate propositions, voters have the option of supporting one, both or neither.

Below is a breakdown of what voters need to know about the sales tax propositions before arriving at the polls.

One 1/8-cent sales tax is invested into the American Bank Center's arena, while the second 1/8-cent sales tax benefits the seawall, downtown's first line of defense in a storm.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Art Of Accounting: System Changes

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Systems run a business, not people. People run the systems. Without good systems and compliance, most businesses will have as many systems as there are people. Think about any successful franchise, with McDonald's, Subway and Jersey Mike's coming quickly to mind. None of these could be successful without a system that is followed by everyone everywhere every time . And the people working there follow the system because they have to. Now, let's compare this to a CPA practice or any service business.

Most service businesses and particularly CPA practices employ highly intelligent knowledgeable staff who usually know how to get their work done; and unless they are at the lowest level, they do not need much supervision on most of what they work on. The problem comes with supervising and training younger level staff and also higher level who aspire to move up to the next level and then on from there. Systems need to be established for every level regardless of the technical expertise required to get the services successfully performed.

Making system changes means making changes. This only is accomplished if the firm leaders are committed to improvements. Yesterday's methods must have worked quite well to bring you to today but cannot be relied upon to bring you past today into the many tomorrows that will come.

Do not hesitate to contact me at with your practice management questions or about engagements you might not be able to perform.

Friday, October 11, 2024

11 Marketing Budget Templates That Cost Nothing

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A well planned marketing budget helps you ensure costs align with planned expenditures throughout the year. As a side effect, they can also help measure campaign ROI.

The best way to stay on top of marketing finances is with an easily repeatable system. The free marketing budget templates below will help you create one so you can categorize expenses, plan ahead, and allocate resources without blowing your budget.

Smartsheet combines everything you appreciate about spreadsheets and relational databases with project management features. Beyond budget tracking, marketing teams can use it to assign tasks, collaborate with each other, and share updates with stakeholders.

You'll get the most from these templates using them inside of Smartsheet. However, there's no free plan.

Smartsheet's simple marketing budget template is beginner-friendly and super straightforward. It comes with the basics any decision maker needs to plan and track marketing expenses — including the ability to show projected costs against your actual budget across every marketing category.

It's easy to track costs by week, month, quarter, or year, so you can increase or decrease spending based on budget availability at any given time.

Once you've entered all of your financial details, the template has built in formulas that handle all of the calculations for you.

I specifically chose this template because it includes all the essentials without going overboard. It has all of the information you need to look at each quarter in isolation and compare to the others on a single page.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Hannaford Makes Midlevel Managers Eligible For Overtime

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Hannaford Supermarkets, one of Maine's largest private employers, has announced it will start paying hundreds of midlevel managers for overtime hours that previously went unpaid.

The company says the move is meant to boost employee satisfaction, retention and recruitment amid a labor shortage that has many people working overtime.

But some impacted workers may see little change – or even a cut in pay – because they'll have to work 45 hours per week to earn the same salary they got for 40.

The change follows recent federal lawsuits charging Hannaford with overtime violations, including one filed Wednesday in Maine that company officials declined to talk about for this story. The company also says the shift in overtime policy has nothing to do with the Biden administration's ongoing effort to expand overtime pay requirements for middle managers.

Hannaford has notified department managers, evening operations managers and associate relations managers that starting Sunday, they will be reclassified from overtime-exempt salaried personnel to nonexempt salaried personnel.

The responsibilities of affected managers won't change, and they will remain eligible for all salaried benefits, including annual performance bonuses, Cortelyou said.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

We Need An Economics That Recognizes The Greater Good

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Whenever anybody writes about the failure of mainstream economics as a discipline, they usually have only a handful of issues with the discipline in mind. The failings, however, are systematic. Training in economics has incorrectly been seen as foundational to ordered, logical, rational thinking. Econ 101, as the basic course is often called, also feeds a career track in law and business administration. So what⁘s being taught matters, especially since only a few students will pursue any further studies in economics and any intricacies.

University students learn that on the supply side, people are atomized as production labor (L), and all other means of production are reduced to capital (K). L and K combine in a mathematical equation to produce Q (output). On the demand side, what is produced is unimportant as long as it meets demand, achieves a mythical equilibrium for profit-taking and provides an amorphous satisfaction, called utility. Because we can⁘t measure utility directly, it⁘s equated with consumption of all that output, weighted by market prices (P). The joy of consumption, as we⁘re told, does not distinguish between needs and wants. Externalities, always unpriced (an indirect cost or benefit) to a third party, are ignored. The benefits of growth and accumulation are taken for granted.

The textbook lubricant of this philosophy, as Jon Erickson writes in ⁘The Progress Illusion,⁘ is the belief that putting a price on everything in a way that presumes people and the planet are disposable, tradable and otherwise serves profit-taking and the invention that we call the economy. In a 2007 survey of North American professors, economics stood out as the only field where a majority (57.3%) disagreed with the statement, ⁘In general, interdisciplinary knowledge is better than knowledge obtained by a single discipline.⁘

Abiding by this understanding, we would never confront the catastrophes of today⁘s fossil-fuel-driven climate catastrophe in the form of physical breakdown and social destruction. That matters.